♡ Ideal Type

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As usual after making breakfast for my family, I headed upstairs to study on my own.

I was about to enter my room when mom called out to me. I walked closer to her, wondering why is she calling me out of sudden.

"........when did you have free time?" for the first time ever, she asked that to me.

"Why is it, mom?" I was really flustered by the question so I asked that back.

"This friday is your father death anniversary so I thought we as a family should head to the his cemetery together" I nodded my head, eyes getting sting. "Let's go" I went forward and hugged her. She was hesitating at first but soon enough, I can felt she is hugging me too.

Why is everything suddenly changes for the better? I am curious and at the same time, I am scared. I don't know what to expect anymore.


Eunhyuk groaned when his alarm start to ring. He stand up and headed downstairs, thinking that his father wasn't home but he is there with an unknown girl. Eunhyuk acted as if he doesn't see them and he was about head back up when his father decided to call for him.

"Where's your mother?" he asked so Eunhyuk looked at him coldly "take care of your own business, sir" he said formally as he doesn't know his own father. His father stand up from his chair and was about to throw hand at Eunhyuk but was stopped by the woman. However it wasn't enough so he grabbed anything around him and unfortunately, it was a ceramic vase. Then, he throw it at Eunhyuk causing him to lost his sght for a sec and his left ear start to ring again.

Eunhyuk winced, closing his left ear and run into his room. It was hurting so badly so he actually lost his strength on his knees. Eunhyuk dropped on the floor of his room before writhing in pain.

When Eunhyuk feel slightly better, he stand up and decided to went out of the house. There is only one place that he is heading and that is the beach where he shares with Y/n.

As he arrived there, he was surprised because it was like a fate that she was also there. Worrying  that she might be there because there's something bad happens to her, Eunhyuk rushed to her, ignoring the stinging pain in his ear,

"Y/n!!!! Why are you here?"


I was surprised at the voice.

I turned around and almost freeze out of shock because I saw blood dripping the left side of Eunhyuk's face.

I ran to him as well, immediately touching his face gently.

"How did this happen? Why didn't you go to the hospital?!" Eunhyuk ignored those words and hugged me tightly. "I don't want to......" I let out a sigh at his words "why is it? Are you scared of the doctor?"

Eunhyuk chuckled, burying his face into my shoulder "why would I go to the hospital when I have my own doctor here" I pinched his side, before trying to see him eye to eye "stop joking and let's go to the hospital" Eunhyuk finally sighs "I can't. If my mom hears about this, she will get into fight with my dad. At the end, she was the one who was getting hurt" his arms wrapped around my waist brought me even closer to him. I patted his back, respecting his wish since he doesn't want to go.

"Don't you want to lay down somewhere?" he shakes his head "I want to hold you more" as he said that with his deep voice, I couldn't helped but tense up.

"Are you crazy!!" I punched his back, pushing him away before hugging myself "You perv" Eunhyuk burst out laughing then. "Isnt the perv is you? I just tell you that I want to hold you more but that's it. I don;'t think I imply it more than that" I rolled my eyes "As if I can't read your intention behind those words. Also! stop putting your hand on my waist like that!" I scolded him as I remember that after we started dating, he been too handsy with me.

Deserve To Be In Love | Eunhyuk x female reader | True Love OperationWhere stories live. Discover now