chapter 2

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~ The sun loved
Moon so much
He died every night
To let her breathe

Jimin was angry as his father has a girlfriend who he has been dating for 2 years and they are getting married and also she has a daughter.all the siblings were very angry but they can't say something against their father so they had to just accept it.

Meanwhile here,yn is searching for principal office.
Finally she found and went inside,she took her schedule and placed her things in her locker and went towards her first class.
She was standing in front of door she took a deep breath and said"may I get in miss"
Teacher:oh come in dear are you new student?"
Yn nodded now all attention was on her again those gossips and whispers were heard and she was not liking this attention at all it was like that she will get a panic attack if she stands longer .
Teacher:I am Mrs park introduce yourself dear
Yn nodded and spoke"hello i am yn i am 15"*lilcold*
Girl68:how are you in college if you are 15?
Yn:i skipped classes.
Mrs park: ok yn go to your seat.
She went to the last second window seat.
Here also jungkook and Lisa in yn class and they were also talking about her.
Jungkook:what she is just 15??
Lisa: whatever
You were sitting on your seat making doodles in your notebook not caring about the lecture.but what was bothering you is the stares of students especially boys.
'Just relax yn relax calm down they are not looking at you don't be anxious' she said to herself in mind trying to calm herself from getting panic attack.

Finally lecture ends here.
Students started going out she also went.she checked it was music class and seniors also attend the class together with juniors.
More people aahh she said in her mind.
Then went to music class.
She entered the class to see everyone including teacher is already there again all attention on her.teacher asked her to introduce herself which she did coldly then teacher asked her to sing she was about to say ok then a girl spoke"can she sing even?"
Yn ignored her and spoke yes to teacher.

(Credit to owner)
She closed her eyes while singing feeling the emotions behind the song.
While others were shocked by her singing and soon they were also lost in her Angelic singing.
When she finished the song everyone clapped and praised her to which she just let out a small smile and went back to her seatbut halted in her steps when someone said..
Boy98:this song is of Rose fairy she sang it so beautifully.
Yn sighed and went back to her seat thinking I am Rose fairy huh seems like I have fans in college too whatever.
Here bangpink in mind she really sang so beautifullly the song of Rose fairy.
Her voice is so Angelic.we are big fans of Rose fairy's songs and her paintings are also so beautiful..

After the class over...
This was free period so yn decided to go in Library.she went and saw very few people
Noone likes reading in this college anyway it's good for me peace in library she thought .
She went to the corner of fantasy and picked a book and started reading.
Soon the time was over it was maths Lecture but she didn't want to go because she wanted to read book so she didn't go and continued reading.she was so lost in reading that she didn't go to cafeteria even for lunch..
After lunch she decided to take left lectures as she has already Missed one .
Time skip
She is standing in front of college waiting for her mom as her mom said she will pick her up.
Here comes mom she said to herself as she saw her mom's car.
While driving to home...
Mrslee:how was your first day sweetie?
She said with a tired tone.
Mrs Lee noticed she is tired she just hummed and didn't ask anything further.
Yn went to her room and changed herself into comfortable clothes.she was about to go to bed for a nap then she remembered, I didn't eat breakfast neither I ate lunch I do not feel like eating even but I need to eat otherwise I will pass out she said to herself(actually yn has been a little weak ever since childhood she gets panic attacks if she is scared or if she doesn't eat her health affects so much more than any other normal teenager)

She went downstairs and took an apple and banana milk from the fridge and went upstairs.
After eating she took a nap.
Her alarm ringed she groaned but woke up.she checked the time it was 5 pm right now.
She then washed her face and did her was 6:30pm right now so she decided to get ready as they are going to Mrs Lee's boyfriend's house .
Her outfit:-

I just love this outfit yn said while looking herself in mirror

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I just love this outfit yn said while looking herself in mirror.
She went downstairs,her mom also came downstairs.
Mom:omo my baby you look so cute.
Yn:thanks mom
Yn said with a small shy smile.
She is still shybaby her mom said in her mind
Mom: let's go
Yn nodded they both sat in the car .
Her mom started the car in between ride yn broke the silence and hesitantly asked
Yn:mom ??
Mrs Lee hummed
Yn: does he keep you happy??
Mrs Lee was so happy to see that her daughter is concerned for her.
Mom:yes baby he does don't worry and he will also love you my daughter.
Yn just nodded and looked out of window.
He still can't take the place of dad she thought in mind and sighed internally.
She didn't show but she was actually so nervous because she need to socialise she just hate socialising.

In Kim mansion:

Here bangpink siblings are sitting waiting for theirdad girlfriend and her daughter to come.
Rose:why are we even here?
Rose said annoyingly.on which maknae line nodded.
Jin:we need to accept moved on we should be happy.
Jisoo:yes we can't be selfish dad is happy after many years.
Maknae line nodded and said"fine we will accept but we won't accept her daughter she might be a golddigger or just will want our attention"
Namjoon:fine but don't judge beforehand you haven't met her yet.
Taehyung:whatever we know she will be like that.
Maknae line agreed .
Here Mr Kim entered the hall.
Mr Kim:you guys are here they must be in way and don't make a scene just accept them ok?
He said coldly.
They just Kim sighed.
Soon a bell ring was heard.maid opened the door and here enters Mrs Lee and yn.
Jungkook and Lisa were shocked to see yn here.
Here yn was shocked to see as many stepsiblings.
Mr Kim came and hugged Mrs Lee then he looked towards yn.
Mr Kim: you are yn right nice to meet you princess.
He said with a smile and patted her head.
Yn felt emotional when he called her princess.
Yn: hello Mr Kim nice to meet you too
She said politely with a bow.

That's it for this chapter 💗😊

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