chapter 19

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She wore thousand faces
To hide her own....

It was night time and being not sleepy yn was doing some work but she felt hungry as she didn't have her dinner the reason was she didn't want to be together sitting with her so called family but now she wanted to eat food

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It was night time and being not sleepy yn was doing some work but she felt hungry as she didn't have her dinner the reason was she didn't want to be together sitting with her so called family but now she wanted to eat food.stopping all the work she went out of her room as she was going to the kitchen she heard some talking sounds from near by.she didn't want to hear but it was aera's sound which was coming and it was 11:40 pm right now.
Yn's POV
It is freaking midnight what the heck is aera doing here?I hid behind a wall from where I could hear her talks.i couldn't hear much only few sentences"yeah babe I will get that file tonight, don't worry""bangpink are just fools""ok now I will go before someone comes good night baby"
With whom is she talking??baby??babe?she has a boyfriend whatever who cares but what file was she talking about and why did she say bangpink are fools.i thought she loved them so much like the way she acted with them and always clinging on them.opaaaa unnieeee uff how does she even speak in her that high tone.
Aera went upstairs maybe in her room .why am I hiding like a thief.i came for food and here I am eavesdropping in someone's conversation.yn let's just fill your tummy and go to sleep. i went to kitchen and all I could think at midnight was noodles.i prepared noodles for myself and ate in kitchen itself sitting on the kitchen counter.washing the bowl I placed it back from where I took and went in my room.but my mind is still wandering about the conversation aera had on call with someone.who was that person other side?she called that person babe it can be her boyfriend.i just don't get good feelings at all.i don't know what is she upto.let's just save that recording too in my pendrive.i hacked the camera of that place where aera was talking and her voice could also be heard.i saved that recording in my pendrive and then slept while thinking about her words.
Next morning
A beautiful and peaceful morning but why do I feel like it's peace before the storm.shrugging off my thoughts I went to take shower.after that I did my skincare

After doing some rough works which I left yesterday because of my hunger i completed them and then went downstairs

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After doing some rough works which I left yesterday because of my hunger i completed them and then went downstairs.but the atmosphere of downstairs didn't seem lovely at all like it's on usual days.there sat my family but why does everyone look tensed and angry.i went towards them.aera also came downstairs while smiling but when she saw me she smirked but noone noticed except me.
Aera: what's wrong everyone?
Mr Kim: someone stole the important file from my office.
What?? Yesterday aera was talking to that person about file.dont tell me it's her who stole it but even if I tell them they won't believe me at all.
Aera: uncle do you know who stole it?
Mr Kim shook his head in no but his face reflected anger it seemed like if he comes to know who did it he will kill that person right there.
Aera: umm yesterday I saw y-n coming out of the office room at night.
Wait what no no no she can't put that blame on me again.i am really tired but I guess they would at least believe me this much that i would not steal anything.
So I spoke up"what are you saying aera stop lying why would I steal the file.i even don't know what file you all are worrying about"
Aera: I am not blaming you i said I saw you coming out of office room.
I was about to speak something but I was cut off when I felt a sharp pain on my right cheek I looked to see who slapped me and i can't believe my mom slapped me .ever in my life of 15 years she never slapped me.but today she did and her face showed anger.she didn't believe me.she thought I could be this low.
Mrs Kim: i can't believe you did this could you do that?did i raise you like this?*angrily and high tone*
Raise??she didn't raise me at all.leaving a 10 years old girl in hostel and after five years saying she raised me.well wow I am impressed.
Yn: mom you don't believe your own daughter i really didn't steal the file.
I looked into her eyes to find some regret for what she did just now but no i couldn't find at all.all I could see was anger.i looked towards everyone.each person's face was angry and their eyes showed hatred towards me except
Mr Kim: honey you shouldn't have slapped her we still don't know if she stole it or not.
Is he taking my side? Why?when everyone isn't believing why is he believing.then he came towards me and looked at me lovingly wait am i seeing fine?yeah he looked at me lovingly and patted my head saying"i believe my princess can't do something like that"i felt tears welling up but I did not let them fall.i smiled at him which he returned and then turned towards my mom and bangpink.i shot a glare to aera and then spoke while looking at all of them"there are cameras present everywhere in the mansion why don't you check them before blaming me"
My head snapped towards the voice which suddenly came"fuck how could we forget cameras yeah let's check them"it was namjoon's voice.
Jin:yoongi check the cameras.
I smirked looking at aera who was terrified now.while they were checking I went in my room and brought the pendrive back with me.
They were still looking at the video and seeing aera stealing the file.their faces showed disbelief.why? They could believe that I did but they couldn't believe that aera did it.when they completed watching I could see all of their guilty faces towards me but i just ignored those faces and placed the pendrive on table indicating yoongi to open it.he put the pendrive in his laptop and opened it all those wrong balmes put on me by aera were that day I did not push aera from stairs.she herself fell down.and the other day I did not slap her it was she who slapped herself.mad person.

That's it for this chapter 💗

Love you all ❤️

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