chapter 25

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My darling you can never
Be unloved by me ..
You are so well tangled in my soul

In yeop freshened up and then knocked at yn's room door

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In yeop freshened up and then knocked at yn's room door.sobs could be easily heard by him.every sob escaping her mouth was like arrow piercing through his heart,killing him from inside.knowing he is also the reason of his cries.sobs stopped when he again knocked on door and then said"princess open the door please"
After few moments yn opened the door.her eyes red,cheeks puffy due to crying.he didn't want to see her like this ever.he caressed her cheeks and said"I am sorry baby it's all because of me you have all rights to be angry on me"
Yn just stayed silent.receiving no response from her in yeop continued"come let's go for dinner then we will talk ok"
He said while taking her hand but she pulled her hand back and said"there is nothing to talk"
Saying this she proceeded yeop also followed her with smile.he knew his princess is angry with him and also knows that it is temporary.

Yn and in yeop entered the hall and proceeded to dining table.everyone else was present already.yn quietly sat on her seat followed by in yeop.
There was complete silence till every one finished their yn stood up from her seat after finishing dinner Mrs Kim interrupted"sweetie"
Mrs Kim's eyes glistening with tears.yn looked at her blankly but deep down it was hurting her to see her mom crying.
When Mrs Kim didn't speak anything further yn raised her eyebrow asking what.
Mrs Kim:i-i am sorry baby
Yn just hummed and went to her room without looking back and there Mrs Kim broke down into tears again.
Mr Kim and jisso consoled her and soon everyone went to their room.
In yeop proceeded to yn's room and knocked.
Yn opened the door but when she saw it's him she closed it again saying"go back"
He knocked few times more wanting her to listen him but no use she didn't open the he left for him room with a heavy heart.
Next morning
After all this chaos.bangpink and yn are going back to college yeop has also joined the same college with them.noone knows that he is the CEO of tech company and also at age of just 22 so for now suspicions he goes to college.
Yn woke up with a slight headache due to crying so much but avoiding that she took a hot shower and got ready for college.

She went downstairs and sat on the sofa as noone was present there

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She went downstairs and sat on the sofa as noone was present there.she sat and scrolled through her mobile.
After 10 minutes she saw in yeop coming downstairs ready in his college attire.he noticed her and smiled at her.then came and sat near her.
In yeop: good morning love.
Yn just hummed and continued scrolling through her mobile.
Her headache was also not doing good to her condition.
In yeop just kept staring at her
Yn: what do you want?
She asked when she found him staring at her.
In yeop: your forgiveness
Yn rolled her eyes.
In yeop: you became more cuter love.
Yn frowned at his sudden statement but paying no attention sh again diverted her attention to phone.
In yeop smiled and took out his mobile to pass him time.
After half hour everyone came downstairs ready to go for their respective works.
Yn ignoring other's presence looked at Mr Kim and said while smiling"good morning dad"
Mr Kim smiled back and came near her"good morning my princess"
He said while patting her head.
Mr Kim: come everyone let's go eat breakfast.
Everyone nodded and went to the table.

After eating breakfast,Mr and Mrs Kim went to office while bangpink went to college in car and yn in her yeop went in his car.

With someone new's presence in the college whispers, gossips were heard.
Also the new student,in yeop was no less than a Greek god.but he shares same genes as yn so ignoring their gossips he went to principal's cabin,took his schedule and proceeded to his class.

In lunch time,yn went to library to clear her mind and escape the reality.
Whereas in yeop was finding yn in cafeteria but not finding her presence he went to bangpink's table and asked"where is yn?"
He particularly asked jungkook and Lisa as they have same classes as yn.
Lisa: she doesn't come in cafeteria mostly,she goes in Library.
In yeop nodded and went from there.but the other people in cafeteria were curious about the relationship of him and bangpink that he was talking with them that casually and they were also not giving him cold shoulders.but they had no answers.

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