Chapter 12

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Some days even the
Devil sits back and
Admires her work...

Eunwoo and yn were talking with each other but then a thought came in eunwoo's mind

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Eunwoo and yn were talking with each other but then a thought came in eunwoo's mind.
Eunwoo: yn-ah you said your stepfather is a business man right?
Yn nodded her head in confusion as why is he asking now?
Eunwoo: then there must be cameras in the mansion for security.
Yn thought for a moment and then remembered she saw cameras and again nodded her head in yes.
Eunwoo: great so you can hack those cameras and show them that you didnot pust that girl ama nono aera.
Yn learnt hacking from her father who was actually a mega genius he knew so many things and also taught so many things to yn in a young age.
Yn knows hacking this only eunwoo and they know.
Yn thought it was a good idea to tell them that she didn't push aera.
Yn: no need oppa if they don't trust me it's not like I am dying to get their trust.
Eunwoo just nodded and patted her head.
Yn refused this because she had some other thought in her mind.
After talking with each other for few more minutes they thought it's time to go back.
Eunwoo dropped yn at Kim mansion and told her that her bike is already here.he asked one of his trusted man to get her bike here.
Yn bid goodbye to him and went inside.
Everyone was present in the living room they noticed yn's presence.

Jisso: yn where were you? Your classes were finished two hours ago
Yn: I was with eunwoo oppa
Jhope: next time tell us before going now go to your room.
Yn just nodded and went in her room.
After coming in her room she took out her laptop and decided to hack the camera which was there near staircase.
She hacked it and stored that video clip in a pendrive.
Though i have hacked and got the video clip but I am not going to show them at all.if they don't want to know the truth at all let them be blinded in lie.what i told oppa was true if they don't trust me it's not like I am trying to gain their trust.
Yn put the pendrive in the drawer and then decided to do her homework.
After 2 hours her homework was done
It was almost dinner time.a knock could be heard on her door.
She opened the door to see a maid
Maid: young miss come for dinner young masters and miss are calling you.
Yn: please call me yn and I am not hungry so I am not coming.
Maid nodded at her with smile and went from there.
Yn closed the door and jumped on her bed with a big sigh.
I am bored now what to do? I wish to be one day a mega genius like appa.i need to work hard for that ,for becoming a best daughter to him.i wish he could be here with me to teach me.
But he isn't here anymore.
Yn don't be emotional and get back to work,mocked her subconscious mind.
Yeah yeah I need to get back to work but what work now? I am bored of doing those investments it's going on good I need to learn something new.
Uhh what should I do?
How about learning some business spoke her subconscious.
Yeah that's a good idea for the first time you gave me a good idea.
You are making fun of me i think I shouldn't have given you a idea argued her subconscious.
What I said was true tho you always argue with me and never understand my point.
I just don't want to talk to you just do your work spoke her subconscious.
Fine fine just shut up and I am going to do work don't be so angry.
Yn opened her laptop and searched for a good lecturer to learnt business from.
It was 11:40 pm right now and yn was still studying.sleep was no near her.
After sometime she looked at time and was shocked that she has been studying for this long.she quickly closes her laptop and went to sleep.
Sleep quickly consumed her and she was sleeping with a pout on her face.

Next morning
Yn woke up at 6 am feeling energetic to learn something new today.

Next morningYn woke up at 6 am feeling energetic to learn something new today

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She did her skincare routine and combed her hair . Then arranged her table which she messed up last night while studying and put her homework and other notebooks in her bag.
After organising all the stuffs she took her bag and her mobile and went downstairs.
Everyone had already started eating their breakfast.
Lisa noticed her coming downstairs so she called her for Breakfast.
Yn: I am not hungry you guys continue eating.
Everyone continued eating their food.
Yn went outside to see her bike was there.she took the keys and started her bike and went to college.
It was still early not much students were present in the college ryt she decided to go in library and read a book for sometime.

After half hour a bell could be heard indicating that it is time for the college classes.
Bangpink had also come to the college.
Yn closed her book,placed it back at it's place and went to her class.
She saw jungkook and Lisa were already there in class.
She went to the corner window seat and sat there.

Lisa: why did she not sit with us?
Jungkook just shook his head as no.
Lisa: is she sad??
Jungkook: how could I know lisa I am also with you and even if she is sad why do we care? Didn't you see how aera's leg was injured.she pushed her.
Lisa: yeah but still we should have asked why she did that or maybe she didn't do.
Jungkook was about to speak something then the teacher entered in class.jungkook looked at yn for once then diverted his attention back to the teacher.

That's it for this chapter 💗

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