chapter 18

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          She isn't what she looks like
          Just look deep inside her eyes
         And you will find her trueself<3

            She isn't what she looks like          Just look deep inside her eyes         And you will find her trueself<3

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Yn's POV
I looked towards jin.he seemed so angry but what can I say?? I did not do anything so how can I tell reason?
Then suddenly jimin shouted"are you going to speak or not?"looking at me more like glaring.
I sighed and once again said calmly"i didn't slap her".
Taehyung: that's it she isn't going to speak like that I see.
Aera:o-ppa she slapped me b-because she is jealous that you all love me more.
I scoffed.what a good lie she can make.first of all i did not slap her and second I am not jealous of her even if they would be the last person to love i would not cause they don't deserve it more like I do not deserve it whatever.
Yn: huff can u just stop lying??
I spoke while looking at aera in disbelief.
Suddenly someone caught my hand so tightly I looked it was j hope and he started dragging me somewhere.others also followed him while jisso and rose stayed with aera.where the heck is he taking me?

After sometime
What did he just lock me in basement?well what could i expect more from my mafia siblings sorry's so dark there and they locked the door from outside and left me long will I have to stay here.wait I have my mobile with me.thank God at least I will not be bored.though I am Little scared of darkness but I know there would not be any ghosts here.
Let's just scroll through the comments of my's been long I have read.reading their words makes me feel different emotions and just make me in peace.
After 3 hours
I was scrolling through my social media when I saw a little light source coming I saw the door opening.i stood from the place I had been seating and went to the door.there stood my stepsiblings still looking pissed off.
Lisa:you got your punishment and next time it will be more severe if you hurt her again and don't tell to mom and dad.
I just ignored her and started going to my room to which they seemed more pissed but I do not care because when I cared all i received was hurt not again.i went to my room and fall on my bed taking a deep sigh.
Appa I miss you a whisper left my mouth which seemed like echoing in my silent room.
It felt like I had no energy left in my body and it happens same every year this matter how much I try but i can't make myself to do something on this day.let's just get some sleep.
Later at night
I heard a knock on door disturbing my sleep I checked the time and holy moly I slept so much.i asked who is it on the door. The maid replied"young miss come for dinner"i replied I am not hungry and the maid went back.
I took shower and changed into my nightwear and slept again....

Next day
3 am in the morning I woke up so early because I slept so much yesterday.standing up from my bed I went to bathroom to take a bath.after that I did my skincare was so early and yesterday I did not do any work so let's just get back to work today.

it was so early and yesterday I did not do any work so let's just get back to work today

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At 7 am
I closed my laptop finally getting satisfied doing work after a whole one i again need to go downstairs and eat breakfast with those people.i just want peace in my life but maybe that's not in my destiny.anyway let's just go.
I went downstairs and directly went to the dining table as everyone was already present there including aera.i sat on my seat quietly and started eating my breakfast.i didn't even bother to look up at them.also they are talking to themselves it's nice they won't talk to me.after eating breakfast I took my bag from my room and went to the college by my bike..

Author's POV
Few days passed by.bangpink were ignoring yn most of the time as they were still angry on her but yn also didn't bother much about them.she doesn't care about their ignorance.but one person is happy so much who is none other than aera

?: baby I need you to do a work for me
??: what is it baby?
?: there is an important file which Mr Kim has I need it.kims will suffer a great loss by this.
??: where is that file?
?: this is in Kim Mansion , in the office room of Kim's.they trust you so much they won't even suspect you if you steal it.
??: max, I will bring that file for you and also about the suspicion I will put the blame on yn.
Max: aera, I know you can do it but be careful.
Aera: don't worry babe
Max: Alright now go it's already late.
Aera: ok bye babe
Max: bye baby

That's it for this chapter 💗
Hope u enjoyed it...❤️

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