chapter 15

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She just wants to feel that
She is important to someone ~

Yn and eunwoo enjoyed each other's eunwoo is dropping yn back to the Kim mansion.but yn is sitting on passenger seat with a pout and sulking like a kid.
Eunwoo: princess stop sulking I will be back soon
Yn: i met you after long time and now you are going to a business trip that too for a whole week.
She whined.
Eunwoo stopped the car in front of Kim mansion and then looked at his Little princess.
Eunwoo: baby one week then I will be back i promise and I will try to come even early.
Yn: promise??
Eunwoo: yes bun promise and while coming as a compensation I will bring back so many chocolates for you.
Yn's eyes lit up and she kissed his cheeks.
Yn: I love you
Eunwoo: I love you too my baby sis
Yn giggled and then opened the door to go out.
Yn: I will miss you oppa.
She said while closing the door of car.
Eunwoo: I will miss you too cutie byee.
He spoke with his most charming smile which yn returned and went inside the mansion while waving him bye.

Yn went back to her room as noone else is in the mansion except guards and maids.
Mr Kim and Mrs Kim are gone to office while bangpink and aera are still out enjoying each other's company.

Yn is in her room moving here and there in her room .
Now eunwoo oppa is also gone.i will be alone for a week aahhh.i don't want to live here at all. I wish I could go and meet them. But I do not know where they are now? After I went abroad,I had no connection with them.i am Missing them so much.
I wish I could teleport to them or maybe find out where they would be better if I had Doraemon with me.
Aish why am I so childish but still if he would be in real life I could take gadgets from him.what am I even thinking God?? Offo I am so stupid...

Anyway now let's do some work.i guess I can read some book.whay should I read a fantasy or a fiction or any self improvement book.i don't know let's got to library and see.

She went to library and after half hour of searching she found a good book to read and then started reading it.

5:00 pm
Yn was still in the library but she had her mobile with a notification broke her focus from her book.
Which was that her song has crossed 200 million views.then she looked at time it was 5:oo pm she half heartedly closed the book and placed it back where it was and went out of Library.

Bangpink and aera had returned back at 4 pm.aera had gone to one of her friends house as she told them for a nightout.
When yn entered the hall bangpink were discussing something as they saw her coming they turned a little nervous and changed their topic of discussion.

Were they talking about me that when I came they changed the topics or maybe they were discussing something they don't want me to know who cares? I don't want to listen too what they are talking let's go out from here.

Thinking that yn ignored their stares on her and went out to garden.

On the other side:
Rose: we were almost caught thank God she didn't hear.
Namjoon: it's better we go in office room.
Others nodded and went to the office room in the mansion.
Jhope: now let's start the discussion
Namjoon: so as you all know we have a mission tonight we need a proper plan to execute it.

Jin: the mission is at 10pm so let's go to our base after dinner.

It's all settled.
They were talking about their mission when yn came in the hall.

After spending some time alone in the garden yn went back to her room.
It's just like in that entire big mansion she only find peace in her room.

As planned after eating dinner they all went for the mission.
It was 1 am in the Morning yn was still awake busy doing some codes in her laptop as sleep was no near her.
Feeling thirsty she took the bottle from the table but it was empty.
She sighed heavily and then opened the door of her room quietly to go downstairs and fill her bottle.
She quietly without making noise went to kitchen after filling the bottle she was about to go back but stopped when she heard some steps and noise.

Is there Ghost in this mansion? No way ghosts doesn't exist what are you even thinking yn?uff it can be a thief too.
Thinking this she quickly hide herself and peeked to see what actually there was.but she was shocked what she saw.
Her stepsiblings covered in blood going to their rooms.
After they were gone she also quietly went back to her room.che closed the door and placed her hand on her chest.hee heart was beating so fast.

Why they were covered with blood?what were they doing at this time?did someone attack them or something?
Omo could it bee..... That they are gangsters no way...
Or maybe they can be some spies of government but why would they be so injured then.
Take a deep breath yn deep breath.i need to find out that.
Aish how stupid of me what will my hacking skills for I can hack their information but I need to be aware that they don't find that i hacked their information that's easy anyway being a top hacker.

Stop complimenting yourself and hack about them my subconscious scolded me.
Yn argued back with it then started hacking their information.
After half hour it was all hacked and after reading the information she was all shocked(shik Shak shok😂😅)

They a-are m-afias damn i thought I got normal siblings they are mafias.holy shit I have been living with maybe they were on mission today that's why they were covered with blood it would be so painful but it could be that it wasn't their blood at all hmmm it could be as they are no.1 mafia in Korea.
Aish it's so much to digest. I think I should just sleep.
Thinking this she slept.

Hope you enjoyed it💕

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