chapter 26

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Your eyes got my heart...
Falling for youෆ⁠╹⁠ ⁠.̮⁠ ⁠╹⁠ෆ

After asking from bangpink in yeop proceeded to the Library

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After asking from bangpink in yeop proceeded to the he entered the Library he was met with complete silence,only few students were present there but his eyes searching for his Lil princess.he spotted her in the corner near the window reading a book caring about nothing but her book.he smiled and went towards her.he stood near her.yn feeling a presence beside her looked up to find in yeop there standing with his precious smile.
Yn raised her brow asking what is it?
In yeop: darling,you didn't take your lunch.
Yn:not your concern
She spoke coldly and diverted her attention back to book.
In yeop: it's my concern.come have lunch.
He said while holding her one hand and taking book from her from another hand.yn sighed knowing he would agree any of her request but not  skipping the lunch.
Yn trying to still find a excuse"um I do not like eating there"
In yeop smiled and ruffled her hair then said"i know that's why I am taking you to terrace we will eat there".
Yn stood yeop still holding her hand and they moved out of the Library.
In yeop holding yn's hand somehow grabbed everyone's attention but siblings didn't care about any of that shit and went to terrace.
They are their food in silence.then both went back to their respective classes.

Time skip
In yeop and yn are outside,for spending some time together.
They were crossing the road but out of sudden a car came towards yn,she closed her eyes in reflex but she was pushed back and she quickly opened her eyes to witness a horrible scene.
In yeop,her brother lying in pool of his own blood.tears escaped her eyes without her knowing.she rushed to him and patted his cheeks trying to wake him up"oppa wake up please
Don't leave me please"
She kept on mumbling things while crying hard.
Soon the ambulance arrived and in yeop was taken to hospital.yn also rushed there.
Oppa please don't leave me.appa already left me alone now I do not want to lose you too.ynie is bad.wake up soon please I will be a good girl.i am not angry with you.i swear i forgive you but please don't leave me alone again.i won't be able to live after losing you too.yn kept on thinking while the doctor came out.she quickly rushed to him"doctor how is he"
Doctor: we are really sorry but he is no more.
(The most famous line of doctors hehe)
Yn felt her body going numb she couldn't control herself and she fell down.she kept on crying and mumbling"oppa no""please""don't leave me""I love you""I am not angry with you".

Suddenly someone shook her and she opened her eyes with a jerk.she was breathing was a nightmare,the worst nightmare she ever got.she looked towards the person who woke her was in yeop.he was looking so much worried.
She tightly hugged him and kept crying.
In yeop hugged her back and tightens the hug,while caressing her back.he kept on mumbling sweet words to her to calm her down.his heart was ripping apart seeing his sister in this condition but he kept himself strong for his sister.
Finally after half hour she calmed down and looked at him in eyes.her eyes red due to crying.dry tears visible on her yeop's heart ached.
In yeop: baby it was just a bad dream shhh nothing happened.
Yn:oppa I am s-sorey.(Sorry)
In yeop:why my baby is saying sorry?it should be me saying this.
He spoke while caressing her cheeks.
Yn: p-lease don't leave me like a-ppa.
In yeop:I will never leave you my princess even if you say still i won't.
Yn: pinky promise?
In yeop smiled and said"pinky promise"
Yn smiled lightly and hugged him again.he hugged back and they stayed like this for sometime.
In yeop broke the hug and looked at her.his eyes showing love and adoration.
In yeop: baby oppa is sorry.i know i shouldn't have left you alone like this but I had to keep the promise of dad.
Yn:what promise?
She asked being confused.
In yeop:he took promise from me that until I do not become successful i won't return to korea.
Yn: that's why you didn't come in dad's funeral?
In yeop nodded with a sad smile.
Yn: now you won't leave me again right?
In yeop: never cupcake.
She smiled and then looked time in her mobile it was 12 am right now.
Her eyes widened and she spoke"what are you doing this late?"
In yeop: I wanted to drink water so I was going but heard cries from your room so came to check upon you and you were having nightmare.
Yn nodded in understanding.
But little did she know it was a total lie . He has gone to his mafia office in Korea which he got built in his absence before he came here.he is the mafia king of Italy and Russia but now he is going to conquer Korea too.

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