chapter 28

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              If we live fast
             Let us die young...

After the college ended yn called in yeop to come but in yeop sent her an address and asked her to come there

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After the college ended yn called in yeop to come but in yeop sent her an address and asked her to come there.

After 20 minutes ride on bike she finally reached was an tall building.she checked up the information of the building she found out it was teach enterprises,the company from Italy which is the best company in Italy and has it branches all over the world.
Does in yeop oppa work here? Wait no,he is successful.he might be CEO or maybe CFO or could be COO.let's just go inside and find out.
She took a deep breath and went inside.firstly she needs to ask from receptionist.but remembering about the incident happened in cha enterprises she feels nervous.the receptionist in cha enterprises was kind and nice.but what if this receptionist creates a scene.she doesn't want to gain attention also negative.people would surely yn was lost in her thoughts,the receptionist looked at her,the strange little girl in the big company.she smiled and said"how may I help you Lil girl?"
Yn's thoughts come to a break as she hears her voice.
She isn't bad as i thought she is also kind.thank god.but wait did she call me a Lil girl.i am 15 dude but anyway I did not come to argue.
Yn returned the smile to her and said"um i here to meet someone"
Lady: may I know what is his or her name? And in which department he works?
Yn didn't know which department or post in yeop has.
Yn: it's Lee(Kim) in yeop and I do not know in which department he works.
The lady was shocked to hear that the Lil girl is asking to meet the CEO Lee in yeop.
Lady: you want to meet the CEO?
As i thought he might be the CEO.he actually is.
Yn nodded her head as yes.
Lady:um let me call his assistant first.
Receptionist said with a smile which yn returned as she knows she would not let her in without permission.
Aah why do my brothers need to have a such big companies? And if they have for the god sake don't bring me I will have to wait for him to answer and what if he refuses thinking I might be someone else.i am gonna break his bones.
Lady: you can go sweetie.
Yn: may I know on which floor.
Lady told her the directions of CEO's cabin.
Yn thanked her and went to the CEO's cabin as she was about to enter a man stopped her.
Man: miss who are you??
Ahh why?
Yn: I am yn I am here to meet in yeop.
Man thought for a moment as to let her go or not but if she has come upto here means the receptionist has let her in.but still decided to not let her go.
Man: you can't go and meet the CEO like that.
Yn sighed knowing it will be hard.
But suddenly another man came from a side office as soon he saw her.he quickly ran towards her and bowed to her.which made her and the another man both confused.
Man2: miss yn?
Yn nodded still being confused.
Man2: why are you standing here please come inside.
Yn looked at the another man and said"he didn't let me in"
Man2: Mr shin may I know why?
Mr shin Shivered with fear thinking she might be so important to the boss and now he is doomed.
Mr shin: s-sir i thought she....
Man2: whatever it is Mr shin you better do your work and don't meddle in other's business.
Mr shin nodded and went back to his work with trembling hands and legs.
Man2 smiled at yn and opened the door for her to let her in.
Yn mumbled a small thank you to him and entered inside.
She saw in yeop was typing something on his computer with full concentration.she slowly moved towards the sofa and sat there thinking to not disturb his work.

After 10 minutes she saw in yeop having a frown on his face and he called someone on his phone to come in his cabin.
After a few moments the same man who saved her came in and bowed to him.
Man2: you called me sir?
In yeop said without looking up from screen"i asked you to bring yn where is she?"
Man 2 looked at yn and then at in yeop.his face was surely so funny that yn wanted to laugh.
Man2:she is here itself sir.
In yeop: what are you saying Kai?
Now he(Kai) was getting frustrated from his behaviour like seriously she is sitting here in his cabin,on sofa and he is still asking where she is?
Kai:are you blind somehow?
In yeop's head turned upwards at him with a jerk.
That was it yn couldnot control her laughter anymore and she started laughing.
In yeop looked at yn and then at Kai.
He understood what was happening.she was already present there.
For few moments he admired his sister's laughter and then standing up from his seat he went towards her and sat beside her.
In yeop: why didn't you tell me when you were here?
He asked trying to be serious but it turned soft somehow.
Yn: you were busy.
She said shrugging off her shoulders

In yeop: but-
Yn cuts him off and says" stop wasting more have completed your work right so let's go now"
In yeop smiled and said"as my princess says"
Then he looked at Kai and said" you have cleared my schedule right"
Kai rolled his eyes and said"yes I have"
In yeop: yaah don't roll your eyes at me.
Kai: whatever.
He said and again rolled his eyes.
In yeop: I am your boss dude.
Yn giggled seeing his frustrated face.
In yeop smiled at her seeing her happy and then looked at Kai and said"I will see you later"
Kim jong-in(Kai)

In yeop smiled at her seeing her happy and then looked at Kai and said"I will see you later"Kim jong-in(Kai)

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-in yeop's assistant.
-his right hand in mafia business.
-in yeop's bestfriend
-had always wanted to meet yn and thinks of her as his  own sister.
- can kill or die for in yeop
- most trusted man of in yeop.

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