chapter 23

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Should I hate you for hating me ?
Or should I hate myself for loving you.....

Should I hate you for hating me ?Or should I hate myself for loving you

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Mrs Kim kept shouting at yn making everyone so worried.yn just kept silent and continued listening to her but her anger was reaching it's peak with time .Mr Kim tried stopping her but she seemed so lost to listen him.yn lost her calm demeanor as the words escaped Mrs Kim's mouth"stop being a burden Kim yn"
That was it,she lost all her calmness.yn had always been a calm was rare for her to get irritated or angry but now she can't control herself anymore.putting all her anger of all these years in her words she spoke coldly" shut up will you Mrs Kim?"
Mrs Kim was shocked to her core and a sudden realisation hits her of what she spoke just now.she stutters"y-yn i"
Yn: shut up please,you are just so annoying.i am a burden well it's your fault you have me birth.wjy didn't you kill me right after I was born would have been more happy now.
Now why aren't you speaking Mrs Kim?
Mrs Kim still lost her mind hearing her say her Mrs Kim and shouted in anger and pain"I am your mother yn stop calling me that"
Before yn could respond a strange voice filled with coldness and mystery could be heard"don't shout on her when it's not her fault"
Everyone's eyes snapped towards the place from where the voice came.but yn stood like a statue knowing the voice of the person.knowing the person so well.she knows can she forget him? It was only person after her father whom she respected a lot and took him as her ideal but now she feels numb.she just couldn't process that he was here.why is he here now?when he left me why did he come back after this much years.he didn't come even in dad's funeral.whay does he want now? Yn's mind was filled with questions,yet no answers.ehw wanted answers,she wanted to know why?why he left?
Turning her attention towards the person standing in all his glory,a dangerous and intimidating aura surrounding him.
Mrs Kim's eyes widened in shock.she is getting so much shocks in one day.seeing that person in front of her eyes after many years.tears welles up in her eyes.she doesn't know herself what she was feeling?
Mrs Kim: y-you?
??: yes me,I guess I am apologies.
He spoke coldly but my apologies didn't sound polite it was full of scarsam.
He looked at yn who was looking more like staring at him,tears formed in her eyes.his eyes softened looking at her.
Bangpink stood there confused not knowing who this strange man Kim knew who he was asking me Kim told him but even he didn't expect him to meet ever and in this situation.
Yn felt a different emotions running in her body when she saw how his eyes turned soft looking at her but still she kept a poker face and stared at him not breaking the eye contact.sje can't forgive him that easily for leaving her and Mrs Kim.
But for now she wants to know why is he here?
Yn still maintaining the eye contact asked him" why are you here"
The person smiled at her"for you my princess"
Yn scoffed but only she knows what she felt when he called her that.
Yn: don't call me that.
??:I know you can't forgive me but still I know my princess was in pain and i couldn't stop myself to not come here.
Yn:you know ??
??:I know everything
He spoke while looking at Mrs Kim and she understood what he meant by everything.he knew about Mrs Kim sent yn to she forgot her after he new kids?how she slapped her? everything.......
Mrs Kim broke down into tears and said"I know I am not a good mother,but forgive me please.i don't know what had got into me.i know I am selfish.but I love you both so much"

That's it for this chapter.
Any guesses who is that mysterious person??

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