chapter 44

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You talk like a book...

Everyone proceeded outside in the search of yn

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Everyone proceeded outside in the search of yn.
After 10 minutes as they were losing hope they found a body lying near the tree.
They quickly rushed towards it was yn.
Seeing the condition of yn their heart shatters, hyunjin falls on his knees as tears rolled down his eyes.he quickly picks yn up in his arms and looks at in yeop"h-yung y-yn"
In yeop controlling his own pain says" we need to take her to hospital hyunjin"
Hyunjin quickly goes inside the car and the driver starts the car.others too rushed inside their cars.
They reached hospital aftter hyunjin shouted on the driver for nth time to drive faster while holding yn's body securly that if he let go she will disappear.
The nurse asks hyunjin to wait outside but he tried to protect.
He stopped when he felt a hand on his shoulder he looked back to see in yeop looking at him trying to say"it's ok she will be safe"
Hyunjin hugged him and broke down into tears.tears rolled down from in yeop's eyes too.
Eunwoo was in turmoil,his vision getting blurry due to the Kim's condition was no different.
Maknae line's eyes had turned red due to crying whereas elder line also had dried tears stains on their cheeks which were replaced by the new tears rolling down.
As Mrs Kim heard they are in hospital,she rushed there to find her daughter is inside emergency room and is in surgery.
She broke down into tears and before she could fall on her knees Mr Kim securely held her in his arms consoling her.

After 6 hours,
The doctor finally comes yeop and eunwoo rushes to him and asks multiple questions of how she was?
Doctor: she is out of danger.
This mere sentence made everyone take a sight of relief.
Doctor: she needs so much rest and also she has lost so much blood,so we need a blood donor but we actually don't have O blood group blood right now.
Eunwoo: doctor I have O blood group.
Doctor: great please come with me.
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Nurse informed them that yn has finally regained her consciousness and they can meet her.
Everyone goes inside the room,seeing everyone yn smiled weakly.
More tears flow from their eyes seeing her condition.
Hyunjin goes and sit beside her bed on the chair and helds her hand.

Hyunjin: are y-you ok? Does it h-urt?A lump formed in hyunjin's throat and he couldn't speak further

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Hyunjin: are y-you ok? Does it h-urt?
A lump formed in hyunjin's throat and he couldn't speak further.
Yn gives a gentle rub to his hand and says"I am ok"
Then she looks at everyone and says" don't cry or you want me to cry too"
In yeop: how could we not cry huh?see y-your condition"
He couldn't even scold her.
Yn: guys I didn't die that you are crying.
Hyunjin: don't you dare say that again.
He looked at her with red eyes.
She gave him an apologetic smile.
Yn: I need water.
Jin quickly passes her the water.mrs Kim helps her to sit and make her drink water.
Mr Kim: princess I am s-sorry.
Yn: dad why are you saying sorry?
Mr Kim: i couldn't protect you as a father.
Bangpink, eunwoo,in yeop and hyunjin says" we too"
Yn sighs and says"you all don't need to say sorry when it's not your fault ok"
Yn says Sternly.but noone says anything.
Yn: I need answer.
"Ok"everyone says making yn smile.
Yn: hyunjin you should also go and have rest.
Hyunjin: don't argue with me babe,I will stay here and that's final.
Yn sighs and signals him to come near her.
He sits beside her on the bed.
Yn: you are so stubborn.
Hyunjin smiles and says" just like you"
Making yn giggle.
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Lisa: aww let me click their picture they look so cute.
Lisa whispers and takes out her mobile to click their picture.

Lisa whispers and takes out her mobile to click their picture

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Mrs Kim: we should wake them up,they need to eat food.
Jennie slowly shakes hyunjin who gets up within a few seconds as he is a light sleeper.
Hyunjin looks around to see everyone standing there with smiles much more like teasing smiles.he gave them a nervous laugh and then looked down due to embarassment.
Yoongi: wake her up too.
Hyunjin slowly pata yn's cheek to wake her up.she groans a little and open her eyes.
She smiles at Hyunjin then looks around which makes her eyes widen.
She hides herself in hyunjin's chest.
Rose: no need to be shy cupcake.
Rose says while laughing.
Yn peeks out of his chest and giggles.
Mr Kim: eat your food both of you.
In yeop: hyunjin you should go and have some rest,I will stay with yn.
Vminkook: me too
Chaelisa: us too
Before the elder line could speak Mr Kim said"no all can't stay here"
Yn: aish stay whoever wants to stay but first gimme a hug.
Yn spreads her arms to let them hug yeop comes forward to hug her and in the process the gun which was in his pocket falls down.
Yn was visibly shocker was an understatement.
Yn:you are also a mafia?
In yeop: y-yes.
Namjoon: what do you mean by also?
Yn: don't act innocent I know you guys are also mafias and hyunjin is also mafia agent.
Bangpink and Mr Kim widens their eyes hearing what she just said.
Hyunjin and in yeop weren't surprised cause they know what a unique piece she is.
Yoongi: how do you know?
Yn: well you heard of cute devil?
Jisso: yeah,the no.1 hacker.
Yn: that's me.
She says with a proud look.
"Woah"escaped from their mouths.

That's it for this chapter.
Love you butterflies 💋

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