chapter 43

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Some villains aren't really broken heros

??: well did you miss me? It's been a long

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??: well did you miss me? It's been a must be enjoying with your family.
Yn: come straight to the point why you kidnapped me?
Yn asked calmly.
??: well just to destroy your happiness.
Yn: why?
??: because you destroyed mine.
Yn: I didn't do was always you who hated me for no reason.
??: shut up if only you weren't there i would be living happily at your place.
Yn: oh really? But you don't deserve it.
??: you- wait let me teach you how to be scared.
A ping of fear rushed through yn's viens when she saw the knife.
Yn: aera what are you doing?
Aera: well getting scared babysis.
Saying this aera made a long cut on yn's hand making yn hiss a little in pain yet no fear visible on her face.
I don't have to show my dear to her which will somehow boost her ego.but it hurts so much.
Aera didn't stop making marks on yn's body.soon yn's white dress was completely turned red.aera threw the knife away.
Aera: well enough for today.enjoy your left time here.
Saying this aera left from the room after locking it.
Ahhh it hurts so much.i need to escape from here somehow.this aera- is a total bitch.huff first time cursing someone.
Yn roamed her eyes around to see a small window there.
Like the movies,there is the window,hehe.aah this is no time of joke yn.but how will I escape from there,I am tied.but before that is she somehow I mean,she got men to kidnap me and even torturing me.that's totally illegal is she somehow related to any illegal work maybe mafia?? Why do my mind always run into this.why not i got mafia stepsiblings even.i will find out about that later but before this I need to escape.
After the time of college end,eunwoo came to pick up yn but he didn't find her waiting for him.
He Waited inside the car for 20 minutes thinking she might be inside busy doing something.but after 20 minutes,he felt uneasy and couldn't stop himself but worry and overthink about what would have happened.he immediately rushed inside the college to find it empty all the students have gone home.
For an hour he searched the entire college,he even called yn but she wasn't picking up the calls.
Anxiety rushed through his veins.he quickly went to Kim mansion hoping yn would be there.
Reaching there he was met by all other family members but not yn.
Eunwoo: where is yn?
He asked while panting.
In yeop stood up from his seat"what do you mean? Weren't you going to pick her up?"
Eunwoo: she isn't there.i have checked entire college,even called her but she isn't picking up.
Everyone became so much  worried hearing this.

Guards were sent to find yn, everyone was restless.they searched entire city but there was no sign of her.
Hyunjin who came to meet her at 5 pm also got this news and was equally worried like them and found himself worthless that he couldn't protect her.
They were sitting in the living room,tired and restless.tears were threatening to fall from each one's eyes.
Suddenly yoongi said something which caught their attention"I have found her"
Yoongi was hacking the address of her mobile phone from last 4 hours which he finally got.
Mr Kim: where is she??
Yoongi: xxx place.
Mrs Kim: hope she is fine.
Mr Kim: don't worry honey,we will get her.
It was hyunjin first who rushed out of the house.

Yn noticed the knife which aera had thrown,it wasn't much far from her.
I just need to get that knife somehow.
She tried to reach the knife by pushing her chair towards it and in the process she fell down,she hissed as she came in the contact of ground.she slowly crawled towards the knife and finally it was near her hand.she took it in her hand and slowly cut the ropes of her hand with very difficulty.finally her hands were free then she frees her Legs.
Cool I feel like a movie character doing that.aish I am such a dramatic ass.
Hmm now how will I climb up to this window? it's a little high.wait what will this lovely chair do then?
She placed the chair near the wall and climbed up to window and sneaked out like snake.
First time ever in my life i feel happy I am skinny.huff but what place is this? Well maybe i know I visited the city when I came back after mom called me.this place is quite far from Kim mansion.and I do not think i would be able to walk that much.also my dress ahhh it's completely drenched with blood and I do not have more energy left.stilli need to go away from there.if aera is alone I can fight with her even in this condition but not those muscular men.
She started walking while trying to ignore the pain.after walking for around 10 minutes  her vision started getting blurry.
Oh no I am losing so much blood.i don't know if i am going to survive like dying like a hero at least i escaped.
Why am I joking around even in this condition?
Oh god,she held her head tightly as she felt sharp pain in her head and then she passes out.
Hyunjin followed by others reached to the apartment where yn's location was found.
Hyunjin broke the door and entered in it which startled aera who was sitting in the dining room about to eat her dinner.
She rushed towards the lounge to see what was the noise about?her eyes widened to see bangpink,Mr Kim present there with two new faces.
Hyunjin: where is yn?
He shouted at her.
Aera: wh-o are y-you?
In yeop: fucking give answer or i won't hesitate to kill you right here.
Saying this in yeop took out his gun from the pocket.
Aera who was already scared became more scared.
Aera: s-she is in basement.
Hyunjin rushed to the basement.
Yoongi: if something happens to her i won't think twice that you are my cousin.
They all rushed to basement while jungkook dragged aera with him to basement so that she doesn't run away.
Hyunjin who was already been restless to not be able to meet yn turns into a total devil when he find the basement is empty.
Hyunjin's eyes turns red as he looked at aera who trembles at his gaze.
Hyunjin: I will fucking kill you.
Hyunjin takes out the knife from his pocket and throws it towards aera which piece through her shoulder.
Aera: ahhhhhhh
Hyunjin: next time it will be in your eyes so tell where is yn? Don't test my patience.
Aera: she was here itself maybe she e-scaped.
Jhope: look the window is open,she definitely has escaped.
In yeop: if I find a single scratch on my sister I will fucking give you the most painful death.
His words makes aera more afraid and tears started flowing from her eyes which affected none.
Mr Kim: kook,ask the guards to lock her in basement and let's go and find princess.
Jungkook nodded and everyone proceeded outside.

That's it for this chapter.
Btw I love it when you guys call me unnie( truly I blush) but I do not know if you guys are elder than me or younger😅
....still thank you thank you so much for supporting my story.
Love you all 💋

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