chapter 20

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The prettiest smile helds
Deepest secrets....

The prettiest smile helds Deepest secrets

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As the truth was revealed now.everyone was in shock, disappointment and regret.
Yn's POV
Uh huh are they regretting for what they did?oh i thought they wouldn't be.(Note the sarcasm)
Mr Kim asked aera the reason of stealing the file.fpr once she didn't answer but when Mr Kim gave her a death glare she spotted it all out.sp I was right she has a boyfriend.she did it all for her boyfriend.he asked her to steal so she did it like what? didn't she even think about it before doing but whatever it is i don't care finally i don't have to handle her wrong blames as Mr Kim has asked her to leave the mansion and go back to her parents.i am so much happy she is leaving I wish they(bangpink) also leave but they won't so I hope something happens that i leave uff what am I thinking?
I was thinking to myself when mom approached me with tear eyes she was about to touch my hand but i backed off which made her even more sad but for now I do not want to talk to her or even see her.ever in my life she slapped me and the reason was something which i didn't do even.i looked at Mr kim.he smiled at me assuringly.i went near him and hugged him.he seemed shocked at first but then hugged me back.i slowly spoke to him"thanks for believing in me dad"
His body stuffed for a moment and then without breaking the hug he kissed my forehead.then he spoke up"why wouldn't I trust my daughter? And thanks for accepting me princess"I smiled widely in his arms and hugged him even tighter.the Fatherly feeling which I lost 5 years ago I got it back.if i lost one father I got another one.though he can't replace appa's place but still he made a place in my dad.i broke the hug and looked at him.his eyes only showed love and adoration.i gave him a smile which he returned with a huge smile showing his dimples.i didn't know he had dimples.he looks so cute.not able to resist I pinched his cheeks.on which he just chuckled while I heard some gasps from bangpink.
I then looked at others for once and then again at dad"I am tired dad I am going to my room"he nodded his head and kissed my forehead.ahhh this feeling I had been Missing for years.i smiled and went from there.i could hear a whisper of my mom calling my name which I did not give any notice.
I didn't come out from my room for whole was dinner time and I am hungry so I need to go.i stood up from my chair on which i was studying and went downstairs.
Everyone was present while a maid was about to go to call me but seeing me coming she went back to her work.the environment seems so silent which I like.everyone except dad'sface seemed like losing i matter this much to them? Then why did they ignore me ? Never trusted answers.i smiled at dad and sat on my seat between jhope and rose.they smiled at me which I just ignored.their smiles fell.this time while eating dinner noone was talking at all.yeah I love this peace.every day should have this peace.completing my dinner I stood up from my seat and wishing a good night to dad i went back to my room.

Bangpink POV
After aera came we all ignored yn whether it was non intentional or not.we didn't even trust her when she said she didn't do anything to aera and believed aera every time.we had loved aera so much as she was the youngest among us and pampered her a lot and still she did this to us was really unacceptable.we already lost one sister(aera) and we don't care of her anymore too but we don't want to lose yn too.we need to gain her trust will be surely hard but we will do was us who ignored her now she is ignoring's a tit for tat.but soon we will gain her trust and love back.

A short update guys.sorry for it.
Hope you all enjoyed it。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。

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