chapter 17

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Do i not deserve to live??

After watching all the pictures of her and her father she went downstairs

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After watching all the pictures of her and her father she went downstairs.she found everyome present there and they seemed so happy.
Yn's POV
Is there something today?? That they are so happy whatever it is today I can't be happy.i just don't deserve happiness.
My mom noticed me and smiled at me.why the heck is she smiling.i just gave her a cold look.ahe seemed sad by my this gesture but I cared less.
Mrs Kim: yn-ah today you all aren't going to college.
Why all? She knows i won't go to college but wait why all also why are they so happy.
I raised my eyebrows and showed a tint of confusion on my face.
She understood my confusion and spoke"your dad got a big deal and we are throwing a party today and now we will be going for shopping so you all are taking leave"
The heck what did she just say?? It means she doesn't remember at all that what is could she forget.she forgot appa's death anniversary and also celebrating a party at the same could she do that.i was losing my calmness but I still controlled myself to burst out.
Yn: why??
I spoke while looking at my mother which was in a low tone but heard by all and everyone present there seemed surprised cause my voice held pain.i wanted to hide it but i couldn't.i just couldn't hide it at all.
My mother looked at me shocked and asked" what's wrong sweetie why are you sad?"
She is asking why am I sad?
"You don't know what is it today?"i spoke up my voice turning cracked at last but i controlled myself to break down.
She fell in deep thinking for a few moments and when realisation hits her she looks at me with guilty eyes and starts coming towards me.she was About to hug me but i back off.i don't need your concern at all.
I looked at Mr Kim and spoke"um i won't be going to party you guys enjoy"
Mrkim: princess is there something wrong tell us please if you want we can cancel the party.
I just shook my head and told him it's nothing you all guys enjoy"saying this j went outside the house not before looking last time at my mother who had tears welles up in her eyes and showed guilt.i felt bad seeing tears in her eyes.but still she couldn't do that.she forgot the day.the day I lost everything my father,my buddy even my mother at that day.she started ignoring me from that day.i was devastated seeing her crying hearing my father's death.she locked up herself in the room for a week not talking to me even.she didn't even think that I also needed her.i also lost my father as she lost her husband.
I just sighed thinking of all those past memories.
I took my bike from garage and went towards the graveyard where my father is buried and in the way i bought his favourite flowers too.

On the other side
Mr Kim: honey what's wrong is there something today? Why are you crying and why was yn sad??
Mr Kim asked Mrs Kim while she was just crying silently.
Bangpink and aera just silently looking at all the scenes happening.
Bangpink were feeling sad seeing their mom crying and also feeling angry at yn for making her cry.but they don't know the reason what??
Mrs Kim calmed herself down and spoke"yeobo t-today is my late h-usband's d-death anniversary"
Everyone present there was shocked.
Mr Kim : what? And you's ok it's ok don't cry I know you have moved on but still you should have told me we would have postponed the party.
Mr Kim was shocked so he shouted at first but then seeing Mrs Kim crying he calmed down and consoled her.
Mrs Kim wiped her tears and murmured a small sorry to him.
He hugged her and said it's alright.
All this while going aera was just enjoying the drama like she doesn't care what they feel or not but now her face lost colors when she heard that they will postpone the party.oh how much she loves partying and all those stuff she was the most excited for this but now she turned sad.
Ahh why are they cancelling the all plans are failed i thought to enjoy the party so much.butttt huh it's all because of that girl yn.why did she even come downstairs.also she wasn't needed at all at the party it was better if she wasn't even present here.huff she will have to pay for just wait yn,I will make you regret doing this,aera thought to herself.
while a angry look on her face came.

After a while Mr Kim announced that party is postponed and it will be after a week or so.everyone just nodded their head and went back to their respective rooms.

Yn's POV
I reached at the graveyard of my dad.i placed his favourite flowers there and closed my eyes feeling all the emotions running inside of me and which came out as tears in my eyes.i just say there crying silently not knowing what can I even do except crying.i can never bring my father back.after half hour I calmed down and stood up from my place.after bidding bye to my dad i went back to the Kim mansion.when i reached one was present in the living hall.i guess they have gone for shopping.who cares?? But then I saw aera coming downstairs.she looked at me and somehow she looked angry.did I do something to her again?? Like I never did anything to her still she is against me and blame what's her problem.
She came near me and gave me a look.what's your Problem girl.then she smirked to herself.what is she planning now??out of sudden she slapped herself.whay the heck is she doing.
Yn: yaah what are you doing??
She just looked at me more like glaring and slapped herself on other cheek.hee cheeks turned red and fingers printed on her cheeks.hlw could she slap herself and that hard omg.
My thoughts broke down when I heard her crying loudly now why the heck is she cryi- wait wait don't tell me she is going to blame me for this too.uff I do not want a drama at all.hearing her cries everyone rushed to living hall.but Mr Kim and Mrs Kim aren't seen seems like they have gone to office.
Bangpink hurriedly moved towards aera and asked her being concerned that what happened.
Aera: o-ppa u-unnie yn slapped m-me.
I knew it I just knew it she would blame me.i just looked at her coldly cause I know they would not believe me at all.
Jimin came towards me angrily and shouted" why the heck did you slap her?"
I still tried my luck and spoke" I did not she slapped herself"
This time rose spoke up angrily" why would she slap herself is she mad huh??"
Um she got the point she is actually mad that she slapped herself.huff but who tell them this.
Jin: yn don't test our patience and tell why did you slap??
I just looked at him blankly like if I didn't slap her so how would I tell the reason that why did I slap her.stupid people.

That's it for this chapter.
Sorry for late update

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