The Love that Lasted.

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I said I would kill for them.
I said I would live for them.
I said I would do whatever I could for them.
I said I would stay with them.
I said I could never hate them.

I said I could never hate them.
I said it and meant it.
I said it and meant it, but I didn't trust myself.
For saying and doing are two different things
Then the time came to test my words

The time came and it was proven.
I could never hate them.
They lied to me.
They played me for a fool.
They used my weakness.
They did it all and it hurt.
But my love for them still burns bright for I understand.

I understand why she lied to me.
I understand why he never told me the truth.
I understand and I only see good intentions.
For they didn't lie to me to hurt me
For they didn't play me for a fool to hurt me
For they didn't use my weakness to hurt me
They never meant to hurt me.
They just forgot to consider my perspective.
She lied to me to protect him.
He never told me the truth to keep his promise to her.
I understand so I can't hate them.

I understand so I can't hate them.
I would still kill for them.
I would still live for them.
I would still do whatever I could for them.
I would still stay with them.
I would still go back to them.
For the betrayal I feel is nothing compared to the love I feel for them

I still love them.
I still miss them.
I still want to be with them.
They still mean the world to me.
I want them to come back.
So, I will wait for them to return.

I will wait because I need them.
They who became my family.
They who are my best friends.
They who are my angels.
They who are my saviours.
They who are my everything.

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