Song of Lost Hope

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All of a sudden, I have these flashes of remembrance and longing.
All of a sudden, I feel this pit in my stomach.
All of a sudden, I feel a heaviness in my heart.
All of a sudden, I feel all this and keel for I'm not happy.

I've lost purpose, I've lost joy
I've lost motivation, I've lost personality.
I've lost everything and so I remain a shell, a shadow.

I don't recognise myself anymore
I don't know who I've become or what I’ve become
I don't know why I exist, why I fight
I know nothing because now I'm nothing

I don't see my worth, I don't see a future.
I see nothing but a dense fog.
I feel nothing but the cage.

And so, I write this song hoping it'll make it out.
Hoping it'll see the light.
Hoping it'll be the key out.
Hoping it'll finally be the song that gives me peace.
Hoping it’s the song that'll make me
The hero of my story.

Thus, I send this song to the great beyond
Leave this song in the lord's hands
Hoping he'll finally give me my happy ending

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