Trapped in a House

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I want to go home
Not the place but the feeling
For I haven't been at home for so very long
But then the question arises
What is home? Does the feeling really exist?

I want to go home but I don't know where home is
For every place I rest, there is this heaviness
For every place I rest, there is this chain
For every place I rest, there is this prison
They may not be made the same but both confine
I don't know how to break out
God, I wish I did

I wish I did but I don't
So, I stay trapped
Trapped by guilt
Trapped by loneliness
Trapped by gloom
I always feel trapped
I feel trapped so I can’t go home
I feel trapped so I can't feel at home
My crimes may be far too large
But I will hope

I will hope I'm forgiven
I will hope I'm happy
I will hope I'm freed
I will hope I'm blessed

But for now
Mine existence is pain
Mine existence is cruelty
Mine existence is unhappiness
Mine existence is gloom
For I am far too weak

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