01.14 The Library

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I woke at 9:15 this morning. I took a shower and I had a piece of toast with butter for breakfast. I then prepared a takeaway lunch (lentils + some meat). I got dressed, put on my headphones and headed for the underground.

I met Sonny at 10:15 in the Korea Station and we walked to Union, in La Rue. We sat at the table by the balcony, windows open, and we had coffee as we began discussing the materials and plays for our Theatre exam on Wednesday. We were there until 12:30. We left for a walk until we found another café, this time nearby Colonel Street. We worked there for some more and then we took the underground together to the Blaise Irving Campus, where our faculty is located, and where the main library also is.

Our friend group was having lunch in an alleyway behind the History Cafeteria. Then they went for takeaway coffee and we sat at the outside lunch tables, by the library's stairs. Everybody came back and we had a good share of laughs together. I rested my back against Erik's back and he rested his against mine.

I went into the library at 15:15. I studied theatre and listened to classical music, sitting next to Hellen. When I went outside at 18:30, it was night. I texted Sonny and he said he was at the History Cafeteria. I walked over and found him sitting with his brother Tony, and Mark. I wanted to grab a coffee, so I asked if anybody wanted to come with me, and Tony offered.

We walked around the city looking for a place that was open, but everything was closed since it was a Sunday, so we had to walk back in the night, avoiding the street lights and the cars crossing the avenue. I don't remember anything Tony and I talked about. I never remember any of our conversations. Back at the cafeteria, Sonny left for a few minutes and Tony and Mark joked about me and Sonny. "What are you guys waiting for to hook up?", to which I just rolled my eyes.

I went into the library and finished re-reading A Taste of Honey for my Wednesday exam. Then I picked up my things and left at 20:30. I took the bus and got to my flat. I cooked dinner, did the dishes and ate in my room (broccoli, asparagus, boiled egg, fresh tomato sauce; a kiwi; a glass of milk with honey). I procrastinated until 23, then I wrote this.

I'm in bed, listening to Jesus, Etc. by Wilco. I'm going to read some more theatre notes and then go to bed. I have an English exam tomorrow at 09, so I won't go to sleep late. Good night everyone.

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