08.17 Brunch

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Last night I went running for 22 minutes in the home garden, which is much less hard than running outside. Today, I woke up at 7 and I had an omelette with two eggs, an orange and a glass of kefir. I drank some water and I went for a run outside at 7:40. I was able to run for 20 minutes with 2 sprinting intervals! I'm not sure how good this is for my first week of running, but I think it is okay. I'm happy regardless, because I thought I would be in much worse shape, and turns out it is not so bad.

I was back home at 8:10. Back home, I showered. Then I did some bank errands from bed, basically I ordered a new physical credit card which I might need for my year abroad. At 10 or so I went out with my mother to the farmer's market. I helped her buy some vegetables and then I went back home on my own.

As I was walking back, I crossed a bar behind my father's house and I saw him there with his friend Rachel and her elder daughter Iulia. They invited me to brunch, so I ordered a dish of English breakfast, alongside some butter on toast. I ate and mom stopped by after her grocery shopping, to have some coffee with us. Afterwards I stopped by my aunt's. I said hello to my grandmother, drank some water and headed back home in the summer heat.

Home, I spent some time in bed texting Sonny, who is in his father's hometown for the weekend. He made a flirty comment where I asked him how much he charged for a striptease and he replied "it's free for you, beautiful". At 15 or so I fell asleep and I woke up at 17 after a dream in which I had a flying device to go around the city. I've had this device in other dreams before. This is also one of the few happy or non-sad dreams I've had in quite a while, lately I only have nightmares.

I spent some time in bed and then I stood up and I was hungry. I heated some meat, chickpeas and vegetables that mom had cooked earlier, and in the meantime I baked a chocolate cake, because I felt like having some sugar afterwards. I then went to the garden, where I played 30 minutes of a film while I ate the food.

Later at night I picked up Room with a view by E.M. Forster and read 43 pages— I needed a break from Hegel. I'm not going to run tomorrow, at least not in the morning. I'm also quite bored, and I don't know what to do about it. I just spend all my time on my own when I'm in Boathouse. I could go out more, with friends I mean, but I don't know.

I am going to put on a film until I fall asleep. Night

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