03.31 Gina's birthday party

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My alarm went off at 7:45 this morning. Sleepy, I left the bed and dressed up. I ate some toast with ham, drank some water, brushed my teeth, and left the flat.

I had the following text from Aline:

"Cup of coffee and I'm on m way"

I walked to the bus stop eating a banana. I waited 5 minutes, hopped on the train and soon roamed the streets of Carrousel District. I asked a lady where was the parade and she said she wasn't sure, so I walked around until I saw lots of people and a band congregated at a church.

The procession began at 9:30, when Aline arrived. We saw it leave and then we took a walk around the neighbourhood and went back to the church, to wait for its arrival. The parade was at 10:30 approximately. Everyone clapped and so did we. Then it began raining and we started heading towards Oceanfront metro stop. We got off at A-Lane and walked to a coffee shop and had tea and croissants.

At 11:25 Allan, Will and Cedric picked me up in Allan's car. We drove to a parking lot in Salinger and waited for the rest of the people to arrive in their cars. We were throwing Gina a surprise birthday party for his 25th birthday.

We drove to Lynden, where Gina's parents live, in the countryside, and hid around the neighbouring houses and then walked into the house when Gina and Nine were gone. Then we went into the house to decorate and prepare everything.

Will and I entertained ourselves popping balloons with darts. One threw the balloon up in the air and the other one tried to hit it with a dart.

When Gina came home we all screamed happy birthday! and hugged her. We then sat on the table, talked, drank, played cards and chess while her parents prepared lunch.

We had rice with meat and talked about random things. Afterwards we sang happy birthday, had a delicious chocolate cake, and Gina opened the gifts we had bought for her: a pair of pants, a pair of shoes, a pottery course, a vampire comic art book and three big bowls for ramen.

I felt very tired after dessert so I went upstairs to have a nap in the sofa. When I awoke it was 19:45 and apparently there had been some kind of argument because of a board game they had played. I played popping balloons with darts this time with Cedric. Then I heard Will and Nine talk about the argument and Will had some very sound opinions about anger and ego management. Nine also said he had been expelled from high school when he was younger, and I just keep on discovering more and more random things about him, like when he used to sell fake MDMA in small towns with his car when he was 18.

We left at 20 and we listened to hip hop in the car and talked about music. Allan dropped us off in A-Lane and I walked home. I stopped by the supermarket and bought a pizza, a baguette and some shampoo.

Back home, I packed my bags for my hometown, ate the pizza, went to bed. I had two unseen texts from Sonny from 21 pm.

"Come to mine if you want"
"My brother is at Lin's"

I told him I would have stayed over if I had read the text earlier, but now it was too late. I went to bed and went to sleep.

March has been a crazy good month. Actually, so far, 2024 has been incredible.

January in Budapest (becoming friends with Gina, Allan and Will, that crazy techno party, sex with Owen), Eivor's birthday party, my mom's apartament in Maple Bay, reading Dracula, 4/6 honor mentions in my exams. February, the trip to Beauville, Igor's lunch visit, going to the opera, my growing friendship with Julie and with Sonny. March, the Festival of Light, the Cairo's Cross weekend. The only off thing might be my relationship with Saint, which I'm slowly letting go off, and I am happy that I am.

Life is treating me really well lately, and I'm very happy about it. Now I should be thankful and treat it back in the same way: taking care of those I love and taking care of myself. I'm excited to have a productive holiday week full of studying, reading, working out and spending time with my family.

Good bye and good night.

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