01.18 Nate and Aline

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Today I woke up at 10. I had breakfast (two pieces of toast with butter, a banana and a cup of black Yorkshire tea), then I showered and began doing house chores. I did laundry twice, cleaned my room and changed my bedsheets. I also began reading A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess.

I went out at 17 and bought takeaway lunch (two samosas). I was originally going to a museum but I phoned Nate to see what he was up to and he told me stop by his flat. I rode the underground to Korea Station and walked to the Sailors' Towers, close to Nate's flat. We had coffee and a chocolate sandwich, and he smoked in the balcony as we talked about our Christmas vacation.

He asked me about Budapest and I told him about hooking up with Owen and he laughed saying "Bro, I literally have a tattoo done by him", and we gossiped about him for a while.

Aline suddenly called Nate, asking if she could use his scanner for a last-minute project. She showed up 30 minutes later and we all talked in the living room. Nate did some editing for a photographer he has began working with, his flatmate Laurie showed up with nachos, guacamole and beer, I edited a text Saint needed for a last-minute print run, Aline and I talked about going to the market tomorrow morning. I read for a while too and then I left, walking back to Korea Station and taking the Oceanfront Line from Korea to A-Lane.

Back home I cooked dinner (mashed potato and green beans) and I ate it. Then I went to bed and wrote this. I'm listening to Sincerity Is Scary by The 1975.

I'm going to read for a little, I'm also thinking of the things I have to do tomorrow: have breakfast, clean the bathroom, read, do some bureaucracy stuff (EU testimonial, scholarship application, internship application, ID renewal appointment), go to the market with Aline and maybe Saint (buy a football scarf and t-shirt for Eivor's Saturday birthday party, a new pair of earrings), sushi lunch with Tudy, reading/going to a museum/taking my ID pictures, hitting the pubs with Saint and Nate, maybe stopping by DNA at night (the hip hop party Will and his art collective "Chain" throw every 2 weeks, where Saint works as a photographer).

Good bye, fun busy day ahead tomorrow.

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