04.30 Hard work

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Hi, it is late at night.

For the past two days all I've done is pretty much delay work that I have to finish soon. On Monday I went to get my new ID with Sonny but we had some paperwork missing, so we'll have to go back next week.

It was raining heavily that day, so we had breakfast at a café next to the police station and Martha joined us, Sonny's girlfriend. We talked for an hour or two and she seemed distressed about Sonny getting tattoos in such impulsive ways.

Other relevant things— Sonny and I both received today our nomination letters from Istanbul, which makes our acceptance in their university more than official now. I was checking the el legible subjects this afternoon and I am very excited about the wide range of choices that are available to us.

I spent last night and this afternoon working on a Lexicology project that is due on Friday. I am on good timing, I know I will finish it, but God I really don't want to do it.

Tomorrow I have a debate on Modiano at 12. I have some notes that I prepared in advance last week, thankfully.

I don't know what else to say. I know it sounds like I'm up to much studying and working these days, but really not. I mostly waste time. I guess it's only natural at the end of the academic year, and I shouldn't pressure myself too much for not having the same energy that I did at the start of the course, since what matters is that I still do my work and get the marks I aim for.

Over the weekend I'll have to read The Fire Starters, and mid next week I want to have finished writing my Ian McEwan essay. After that I have a minor English presentation, and then my French Literature and Philosophy partial exams. After that, I will begin my final exams: French Literature, Lexicology and Narrative.

I'm particularly concerned about Lexicology, there is a lot to study for. For Philosophy I feel confident, and with a little work I can ace French, but I need very good organisation. Narrative is tough too but since I have a whole week to study for that exam I am not concerned.

Yeah okay bye. Tomorrow I'll spend the day working in the Lexicology project at the library.

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