07.20 Math and gardening

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At 7am the gardener came home and so the sound of the front door awoke me. I tried to sleep for an hour but eventually I gave up and I went to the kitchen to have breakfast: ham on toast and yoghurt. I ate it in my bedroom as I planned my week, since there is plenty of things I have to do.

Sonny texted, he was out partying and on his way home. He sent a text at 5am telling me he was with Allan, a friend of mine. We texted from 8 to 10:30, when he went to sleep.

At 10 or so I went to the shop to buy a notebook and some stuff I needed, then I did a small craft for my underground card in my bedroom as I watched videos about religious doctrines. I then took a nap.

Mom woke me up from my nap by the time the gardener was gone, so at around 13:30 or so. I went to the kitchen and we had lunch: rice with chicken.

The afternoon was a waste, like typically in the summer. I slept from 18 to 20 and the rest of the time I believe I tried reading but I ended up procrastinating and eating chocolates. At 20 I cooked dinner: chicken, tomato, cucumber and lettuce in yoghurt sauce, which I ate in the garden table with some ginger tea, as I practiced math.

I have taken on studying math lately, it is something I had always wanted to be good at and do on my own. I'm doing basic algebra still, but I guess it's a start.

I went to sleep at 1:30 am or so.

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