Hey You

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I took a few days off from filming. I did not feel any desire to be around others and I've been keeping my phone in another room. Shutting the world out was the only thing I could do when I get this feeling.

I stayed on the couch for three days. Occasionally, I'll find the strength to shower in the bathroom downstairs in the guest bedroom. This morning I found what ever strength I had and made my way to the shower.

I had a few clothes down her in the laundry room. I put on an oversize shirt, a fresh pair of underwear and shorts.

I make myself back on the couch with place the album in my lap.

I caress the album as a way to smooth me.

Anything that brought my son back to my memory always brought gloom. I don't like when I get this way but I can't help it.

I lay my head on the couch and place the book close to me. As I was getting ready to close my eyes, I hear the doorbell ring. Begrudgingly I walk to the door and see who it is.

What the fuck? I look terrible.

I think about how I can fix my hair and I find a hair clip on the hallway console table. I look in the mirror above the console table and fix my hair into something decent. I try to hide the fact that I have not been sleeping.

I open the door.

Hey you, I say cracking a happy smile leaning against the door.

I see the bouquet of flowers they have in their hands. My eyes held a gleam of happiness that instantly went away, quickly.

Don't "Hey you" me. You had me worried. I called your phone Taraji. What the fuck? They say entering and closing the door.

I move hair behind my ears and they finally notice my eyes were sunken once we held eye contact.

Taraji baby, what happened? Unable to hold myself together anymore feeling the heaviness in my legs and they catch me. I got you baby. I can't stand any longer and we drop to the ground. I got you baby.

I feel rubs on my back and I grab ahold of their shoulder burying my face in their chest.

Fantasia, just hold me.

We stayed on the ground for as long as I needed.

Fantasia shifts her body and I stay right where I am.

Alright, we gonna have to get up at some point baby. I can't feel my ass. She earns a chuckle out of me and I hit her arm sitting up.

She gets up first regaining the feeling in her legs and then helps me up. We walk over to the couch. I sit down bringing the album into my lap and she sits down right next to me.

Is that a family album I see? She peaks over my arm and sees the picture on the front.

She grabs the album from my lap and compliments it. I sit back with my knees to my chest placing my face in between my legs.

Grief did not look good on me and I hate the way I wore it.

She feel her fingers comb some of my hair that has fallen behind my ears, planting a kiss on my head.

Hey you, she calls out to me gently. I lift my head and turn it facing towards her resting it back on my knee. I got you baby. She places a kiss on my cheek.

I put my legs down and place my head on her shoulders. She holds my face stroking my cheek.

I love you Tasia.

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