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If I wasn't rushing over here so fast, I would have brought a bottle of wine. I blush at the recollection of that night. Nah, we good with what I got.

Walking over to the bar cart,I grab a set of the wine glasses I had hanging. I won't lie and say my nerves were not tensing up.

Internally, I was dreading the thought of letting it all go. The divorce papers made it all too real. I reach for a light bodied wine this time. A Chenin Blanc seems fitting. I had a bright idea,I'll pair it with some snacks. Only attempting to delay the process more.

I enter the kitchen with trying to think of what will go well. I open the fridge hoping what I have in my mind is in there.Relieved as I retrieve some brie cheese, sliced ham, and remind myself to grab the pretzels from the cabinet.

Her eyes are following me as I pace back and forth, I feel it. I turn around to look and it was just as expected. Seated on the couch with her hand to her chin leaning against it, looking right at me.

I feel like you always have your eyes on me. I say grabbing some bowls placing them on the counter.

I hear her footsteps, something I'll notice if I had my eyes closed. She joins me by the kitchen island and I see she brought the divorce papers and placed it at the end.

Through her chuckle she grabs the glasses and wine bottle. I put the bowls with the different snack choices in front of us.

You need to take a seat. Her tone was serious but light. I felt caught in the act. She pulls out two bar stools, taking a seat in one and tapping the other. Fine, I say walking over begrudgingly.

I flip over the divorce papers where I see the letter in bold at the top. Taraji starts pouring the wine. I take a deep breath and start flipping through the pages. Taraji places the glass of wine in front of me and places her hand on my thigh offering gentle rubs.

I read off all of his selections. One by one, I took a sip and after reading enough I put the paper down. Reason for petitioning our dissolution of marriage: irreconcilable differences. I state letting out an unexpected laugh.

How could he state that knowing that I was the one that tried over and over, did he not ignore every attempt? Since that day we have not had a single conversation about anything. Not even about what happened. For all he knew, his son was gone and it was my fault.

I still believe it is my fault to this day.

I grab the glass and take an even bigger sip. Drowning out the belief that this is all on me, I reach for the pretzels. I put a couple of them in my hand and snack.

Hey Tasia. I look over at Taraji and she is holding a sharp gaze.

Hmm... baby, tell me what's happening in your head? You are not alone. She reassures me holding my hand.

I turn my body to face her. I'm just over all of this, I've had enough. I'll rather sign this and be over it.

Now is that you or is that the wine talking? She ask looking at my empty glass, I follow her gaze.

I did drink that pretty fast. We both snickered.


I watch Taraji get in her car and I close the door. I lean on the wall looking at the divorce papers on the island. I walk over, grab my glass, the bottle and the papers.

I head to the couch placing the glass and the bottle on the coffee table. Why am I looking at this again? I ask myself biting the inside of my cheek.

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