Last Day

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Filming ends in 2 weeks and things are getting intense as we get closer to the end. After doing a couple of take of today's schedule scenes, I retreat to the trailer. I hear my phone ringing from the vanity, a phone call from my lawyer. Knowing it is about the divorce, I answer.

Fantasia: Hey, any updates?

Lawyer: Yes, I have met with the opposing counsel and Sir. has agreed to you keeping everything.

Hearing he is leaving everything to me was not what I wanted to hear. I don't know what I wanted to hear. For Sir. there was no fight with him once he made up his mind. He was always the type to never go back on his word. The ending of our marriage is the last thing I would expect. 

Fantasia: ....Okay, thank you. I'll talk to you later.

The set is prepared for filming the dinner scene with Mr. and most of the cast. I find my seat at the table. I am the first one on set. 

I sit at the table lost in my thoughts, alone. Danielle joins the set and sits in her seat next to me. She playfully bumps me asking if I'm okay. I nod.

The only person who knows what is happening with me and Sir. is Taraji. Being that open with Danielle in this moment would not be helpful. 

Taraji joins the set sitting in her seat right across from me. I look into her eyes and somehow she knows something happened. I feel her foot rub against my leg causing me to jump. She stares at me giving me a smile. I smile back feeling peace and my thoughts subsiding.

Everyone joins the set one after the other. People are having side conversations and Blitz enters the set grabbing our attention. He give us his notes, tells us our cues and minor scene adjustments before the cameras start rolling.

Quiet on set! Action!

I may be black, I may be poor, I may even be ugly, but I'm here!  Tears stream down my face as I open my arms and let out a laugh.

Cut! Blitz calls out for us to reshoot that part and offers some critique. We run through the scene for what seems like endless takes.

With the day wrapped, today's filming was a success and we are all expressing our excitement about the final outcome of the film.

I however, am the least bit excited about the last day. My world will be consumed with life and its lack thereof. With Taraji's question still lingering in my thoughts for some days now, all that I care about is gone.

How do I recover from loss if it's the only thing I know right now?

Lesson 2: Loss is not a reminder of what you don't have, but rather the fact that you were worthy of having it.

I change into my clothes, put Celie's costumes in the garment bags and grab my things. As I'm heading out of the trailer, I see Oprah approaching me.

Hey Fantasia, she says walking towards me closing the distance.

Hey Lady O, how are you? I say with my arms open as an invitation for a hug.

I'm well. I wanted to talk to you about doing an interview after we wrap up filming. I will be interviewing all of the leading ladies. Your interview will be the first.

Wow, that- I would be honored to do the interview.

Great, I'll have my team send over the details to yours. Have a good night. She says walking away. I watch her walk away and my smile turns into a half smile. Thoughts of what we will talk about during the interview swarm my head. My body feels cold. 

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