I Love You

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I knew it was late but this phone call could not wait.  I called, it rang and the voicemail picked up. Contemplating  if I wanted to hang up and dial again, I took a deep breath waiting for the dial tone.

Fantasia: Hey, I know it is late. If you aren't available tonight I would like to speak with you tomorrow, I would prefer in person. This is regarding me and Sir. I hope to hear from you. Good night.

I take a seat at the bottom of the stairs trying to calm down from the event. Placing the phone face down beside me I cup my face in my hands trying to keep it together. The rage has settled into exhaustion. I am longing for Taraji to get here.

Picking up my phone, I go to recent calls and select MY SHUG 💜.

Waiting for her to pick up, I shift in posture leaning over my knees as they rest on my chest. She picks up and I feel myself brightening up.

Taraji: Hey baby, I'm 10 minutes away.

Fantasia: Baby, he was here.

I sit up grabbing the banister to help me up and I make my way to the fridge remembering the wine glasses, I place them on the counter.

Taraji: Who was there baby? Are you okay?

Fantasia: Sir., he showed up.  After I hung up the phone with you I unlocked the door. He walked in and-

Taraji: He what? Fantasia what?- I'm pulling up right now.

I accidentally swiped the wine glass off the counter causing me to put my phone down. I picked up my phone to let Taraji know I dropped something and I'll place her on speaker. The door bell rings followed by a knock. I grab the spare key I had in one of the draws in the kitchen and make my way to the front door.

I rush to unlock the door after Taraji's knocks become excessive. I'm coming, I'm right here. I say as I open the door. Taraji walks in frantic and on alert. Is he here? Are you safe? I try not to chuckle at her reaction. Her effort to defend me without any prodding turned me on.

I'm okay T, I say closing the door trying to hold back my laughter. I dropped a wine glass when I was talking to you. I'm okay. I hand her the spare key with a smirk.

Her facial expression was not what I expected. With a poker-face she rolls her eyes placing her bag down by the door before making her way to the couch. Girl, the way I pressed the gas once I hit the exit. Don't scare me like that.

I'm sorry T. I make my way over to the couch sitting down next to her. I grab her hand intertwining them and kiss her hand. I didn't mean to scare you, I'll make up for it. I send her a wink and I earn a smile.

I reach over moving her hair out of her face and tilt her chin up. Are you okay? I ask looking into her soft brown iris. She nods her head and gives me a quick peck.

I'm okay but I need a minute after this stunt you just pulled. I playfully hit her arm as I cross my arms. Tasia, I'm no spring chick, I still have adrenaline pumping through my veins right now.

Understanding where she was coming from, I got up and made my way to the kitchen to clean up the glass that was left on the ground. Retrieving the broom and dustpan from the supply closet, I call out to Taraji to join me in the kitchen. Baby, can you grab another wine glass from the cabinet and place it in the fridge with the one that is set out on the counter.

After cleaning up the glass I join Taraji at the island.

How did the conversation go T?  I pull the bar stool closer to her before taking a seat. I'm close enough, but not how I like it so I pull her chair close. It ended before it began. She fixes her body to place her legs over my left leg, our bodies fully facing each other. I actually liked the position we were sitting in. I place my arm around her waist as she leans into me.

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