You Pt. 2

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Oh my god! Fantasia exclaimed after catching her breath.

Taraji leans up on her elbows, looking down at her lover, shifting her weight to one arm to caress Fantasia's thigh.

Babe, I love you touching me, but please stop. Fantasia exhales as her body involuntarily jerks from the sensation. Mmm, we aren't finished just yet. Taraji says he is regaining strength by grabbing another sex toy option that was somewhere in the mess of sheets.

Finding a close option, she switches her position to her knees in front of Fantasia's pink rose. Using her index and middle fingers, she presses gently on her aroused, swollen bud. Her strokes are gentle and careful; replacing her fingers with her mouth, she kisses it.

Preparing Fantasia for a moment of pure ecstasy, she parts her legs wide enough to view her external female anatomy.

This view of you is one of my favorites. Taraji says she is positioning herself to sit on Fantasia, bringing their warmth together. Taraji adjusts herself, grinding back and forth to make sure they can feel the pressure. Noticing the eye placements of Fantasia rolling back and the hush moans, Taraji then inserts a purple wand in between them.

Both women let out a sharp gasp as the vibrator buzz filled the room. Shit Taraji, I can't take it. Penda! She exclaims before gripping her thigh as the muscle in her stomach contracts, bringing her forward. Yes, you can, baby. I'm right behind you. Wait for me. Taraji bucks her hips, moving the toy through her wetness along the vibrating toy, which applies pressure to Fantasia under her. Fantasia's face is strained as she grips the sheets. Fuck Penda, I can't. You can cum, baby. Taraji interjects.

Taraji releases before Fantasia, who follows shortly after. With the toy still in between them, Fantasia reaches down for the toy, removing it and holding it in her hand. Taraji collapses on Fantasia, both breathless and full of sweat, lying there. The buzz from the toy plays in the background, mixing in with the music.

The playlist starts with another song. You and I x Avant, Keke Wyatt plays through the speakers. Taraji traced over Fantasia's chest, looking into her eyes. Fantasia brings her hand to the small of Taraji's back.

I want to talk about the one I love. (Talk about the one I love.)
I know a lot of times we forget.
How do they take good care of you?
But tonight
I just want to express the way I feel.

Oh baby!
Funny how things have changed in my life now.
Whether near or far, I want to be where you are.
And you're like a rose that blooms in my garden.
Innocent and sweet, my love, you are
But one thing I know, girl:

Fantasia softly sings to Taraji the rest of the verse and chorus.

Lovin' lovin' Oh, lovin' lovin' you

Is it easy for me to do, baby?And I will feel this way till the end of time.Even though you've heard this a thousand times, it's the truth.Oh baby!

You and I
Together for always
Baby I,
Breathe every single breath for you, baby.
Ooh baby
You and I
One hell of a chemistry
Baby I,
I'm living out this life for you.

Taraji inches herself closer to Fantasia's face, cupping her cheek and kissing her jaw. She reaches down to find Fantasia's hands and intertwines them.

Tears slide down Taraji's cheek and hit Fantasia's chest. Fantasia looks down at Taraji, kissing her forehead.
I smile through the tears streaming down when I feel her lips touch my skin.

Baby, you make me feel like the most precious thing on the planet. I hope we last for this lifetime; I don't want to lose this.

I didn't anticipate a response; the moment felt right. In a moment full of bliss and serenity, I feel the smoothness of her thumb caressing the curve of my back. I cupped her cheek, burrowing myself into her neck.

Every moment with you deserves a lifetime. If I could marry you right now, I would.

I snap my head up, pairing our eyes.

What? My expression conveys sincere inquisition.

Marry? Tasia? She cuts me off, smashing her lips against mine. She is long, passionate, and pleasure-driven; her arms wrap around my waist and hold me tightly.

Mmm... I separate from the kiss. Don't try to hush me with those lips. What do you mean, Tasia? I say, placing a finger over her lips, and she smirks, kissing my finger.

Taraji, she calls my name, looking directly into my eyes. I know we aren't ready for that now, but I will someday. She kisses the side of my lip, causing me to smile, and the other side before kissing my lips.

Marriage is a huge deal, baby. Do you mean that? She nods her head, smooching my lips again.

Absolutely, with no regrets, she affirms.

I lay back down in the crease of her neck, covering my flushed face.

I did not expect us to go from making love to talking about marriage. I never would've imagined us getting to this point; getting to this point only brings me back to that moment in the parking lot. Who would have thought any of this would come from pure friendship?

If I could, I would marry you too, no regrets. I say, closing my eyes.


This chapter is only finishing Chapter 29 because I didn't like how I ended it.

5 more chapters on the way! I'll be uploading Chapter 31 on 3/12; be on the lookout, y'all.

Thank you for the 25k+ views. You all are amazing, and I truly appreciate the support.

I'm just letting y'all know, there will be no marriage or proposal in this book. Smooches 💋

As always, love y'all deep 💜

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