chapter ten

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*savannah's pov*

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*savannah's pov*

monday comes around and im really excited going into work, i really want to know what news Andy has for us.  i left my apartment and walked down to my car. we usually have to be there by 8, and it's only about a 10 minute drive.

as i was about to take a sip of my coffee, i looked at the screen in my car show that jack was calling. i smiled to myself, i didn't expect him to up this early. i clicked the answer button, "hi baby" he says. "good morning babe! why are you up so early? i thought your meeting started at 12?" i said.

"i knew you'd go into work early and i wanted to at least talk to you for a little bit." he said. this man is too sweet. "aww baby, i was going to text you during my break to see if you'd want to grab lunch!" i said taking a sip of my coffee. "i think i should be free by then." he says excitedly.

once i made it to the parking garage, i said my goodbyes to jack and wished him luck since he was announcing the tour today. i'm excited for him but at the same time, he's going to be leaving me soon to start tour.

i walked into the building saying hi to everyone and went straight to my vanity. i put my belongings in my little closet, kelsey was coming in at the same time. "hey girly! i wonder what Andy has to tell us" she says smiling. "i've been thinking about this all weekend." i said chuckling.

few minutes go by and we see Andy walking in with his assistant. "okay ladies gather up! we have good news!" he says loudly while holding a big smile. "we recently got the news that three special ladies will be working with Victoria Secret as their new runway model. we spent the weekend figuring out who will join their team. we picked these three ladies because they have shown their best work, personalities, and also because Victoria Secrets management agreed on who will join." he said still smiling.

this is such a big opportunity and i'm crossing fingers that i'm one of them. i use to joke to nicole about becoming a victoria secret "angel" since sophomore year, who knows maybe i won't get it. kelsey squeezes my hand in excitement.

"okay now ladies is fair and square, there will be plenty of opportunities that will come after this. but for now, the three ladies we picked are..... Kelsey, Julia, and last but not least .... Savannah!" andy cheered. i looked at kelsey in absolute shock. she hugs me tightly squealing. we start jumping in excitement, the other girl julia came and hugged us. "congratulations ladies you've made us proud and we expect to see that when you guys are modeling for Victoria Secret!!" he says as everyone starts to clap and congratulate us.

andy came to talk to us and told us, we could go home for the rest of the day. he said tomorrow would technically be our last day. we had only been here an hour, and now i'm on my way home. i decided to call my mom first and also adding nicole to the call. usually when nicole is at work she's able to answer phone calls, she isn't really supposed to but she does it anyways.

"hii my love what's up!! i've missed you so much!" my mom says. "hiii mom!! i've missed you too!!! i can't wait to you see!" i said. she plans to come next month and stay with me and nicole. "okay i have some news but i need to add nicole to the call." i said, she says okay. once nicole joins the call i start talking. "okay guess who is now a Victoria Secret Runway Model!" i said excitedly. i hear both of them gasp loudly, "WHAT?!!" i hear them both say. "congratulations my love!!!! i'm so proud of you!!! i can't believe this ahh!!!" my mom says. "SAVS you dreamed about this!!! you're wishes are coming true!!!" nicole says.

she's right, these were all just dreams i would have back when i was at my lowest. never once did i think they'd come true. we talked for a little bit until nicole said she had to go back to work. my mom congratulates me again before hanging up. i made it to my parking garage and headed upstairs to my apartment.

once i'm inside i call jack. after two rings he answers, "what's up baby aren't you working rn?" he says sounding worried. "jack i have great news!!!" i said. "okok tell me!!" he says. "your girlfriend is officially a Victoria Secret Model!!" i said super excited. jack gasps, "what?!! congratulations baby!!! i knew your talents would take you higher up!" he says. "thank you babe!! Andy sent us home for the day. so just text me when your meeting is over!" i said. "wait if you're home why don't you come with us to the meeting. sam is going with us too." he adds.

"sure why not! i don't have anything else to do" i giggled. "okay i'll pick you up in a few! so we can get breakfast as a group!" he says. "okay babe drive safe!" i said.

i went to my closet to get a jacket just cause it's a little windy outside. i reapplied my lipgloss and sprayed perfume again. i look on instagram to see kelsey already posted the news. i liked her post and commented hearts, after i decided to do the same, i picked my recent photo of me posing in lingerie, at least the one that's covered up more.

i captioned it 'your new favorite Angel' within seconds i get tons of likes and comments. nicole and mom both liked and commented on it. they said since they're my number one fans they have my post notifications on. they are too cute.

i hear a knock at my door, once i open it i see jack with flowers again in his hands. "congratulations baby" he says hugging me tightly. "jack these are beautiful!! let me add put these next to my other ones." i said smiling big. i heard that flowers that are given to you with love last the longest, i knows it's been two days but these flowers are still thriving.

once i put them in the vase i grab my purse, keys and phone and left with jack. he loves to hold my hand anytime we are walking side by side. we make it to his car, i see sam and johnson in the back. they both congratulate me and i thank them. we make our way to get breakfast before their meeting.

after breakfast we head straight to the meeting. we spent the whole time talking and eating that we noticed we were running behind so we're left quickly. once we made it to meeting we get out and walk in. jack once again holds my hand and shows me their conference room. we walk in and jack puts his hand on my lower back, and introduces me to everyone as his girlfriend. he says it so proudly.

they talked about how they want you to announce it, we see them make a couple videos to post. the boys posted their announcement on their conjoined instagram. within seconds the fans went crazy, they had tvs that showed the activity of fans clicking their link to sign up for presale codes.

jack hugs johnson and went around hugging everyone. i managed to capture some cute videos and pictures throughout the meeting to save for memories. jack came to me last and hugged me tightly. "we have a lot to celebrate tonight at dinner and maybe after dinner." he whispers in my ear. causing me to smirk. i smiled at him and walked over to johnson and hugged him.

we left the meeting and went straight to jacks place. nicole was leaving work an hour early so she went home changed and was meeting us there.

what a day to celebrate with friends. i always wished to have a big support system, and thankfully now i do.

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