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© 2015 by Nique Joaquin. All rights reserved.


"Where are the wolves from last night?" I asked Reed, the head of security for the... dungeons.

"Down in the caverns. You sure you wanna be the one to handle them?" He asks me. Reed's a tall dark-skinned guy with a beautiful mate who just so happens to be the Pack Doctor, Donna.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Thanks Reed." I tell him as I pat his shoulder. "You can go grab your son and have your promised ice cream date." I add and he chuckles.

"You remember that? I thought you were too busy reading the reports to even pay attention." He says with a laugh.

"Ha ha. Of course I do. Soft spot for kids remember?" I nudge him with my elbow, "Now, go." I say as I shoo him off.

He leaves me and I make my way towards the dungeons, which was quite a long way from the pack house. I was already standing at the dungeon's entrance when my father decided to mind-link me.

Elair, my office. Now. He said- well, more like commanded, which caused me to mentally groan. I needed information out of those damned trespassers, preferably before I left. Not to mention, walking all the way here took me forever.

Alright, heading there now. I responded, knowing not to step on father's toes when he gives an order.

"Guess I'll have my fun with you guys later." I mumble under my breath as I shove my hands into my military green jacket.

I have no idea why I love military green. But, yeah, welcome to random facts about Elair Richelieu.

Anyways, I make my way to the pack house, which I really need to stress, is located pretty damn far away from the dungeons considering no one would want most of my other 11 younger siblings to figure out that we imprison and at times, torture, trespassers. We run a tight security ship around here- well, I'd like to think I do.

Since I tore up my outfit yesterday, I had to pull on a new pair of heavy-duty combat boots. My wavy blonde hair was down and I'd actually put on some dark blue smoky makeup for a bit of a more intimidating effect.

Ha. A stylish jailer, I am so cool.

Kidding. I am just so weird today.

When I make it to the pack house, a large modernist black and white mansion, I head right up to my father's office. It has an over the top waterfall effect on the walls and is located on the third floor. Without hesitation or even any thoughts as to why I was called here in the first place, I twist the knob to enter.

To be honest, I was completely surprised to see that my dad actually had company and I had no idea. It's not everyday that I'm not made aware of visitors, I can usually tell. There were four other guys in father's office that I couldn't recognize. My father is fairly young, he's only in his early forties. I guess that's the result of meeting your mate at 17, deciding to humanly marry at 18, and have your first child soon after. Well, first children I guess, since my mother birthed fraternal twins. Both of my parents are blonde-haired and blue-eyed. Naturally, and as genetics would dictate, the Richelieu children were born with their signature blondeness and blue-eyed-ness.

"Did the party not finish last night?" I ask in a playful tone as I walk in but I immediately freeze up at the smell of a particular Alpha. The scent immediately makes my teeth grit and I put my hand on one of the guns at my hip, it was the same smell from last night. "Okay... father, what the hell is trespasser-leader over here, doing in your office?" I asked, pissed.

"Calm down, Elair," My father says patronizingly, and I arch a brow, "We've been negotiating for a while now, actually." He adds.

"What? Why are we negotiating? We have members of their pack locked away in the dungeons." I point out as I make my way towards them.

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