{twenty three}

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© 2015 by Nique Joaquin. All rights reserved.


I sigh as I casually pour myself a bit of whisky into a glass.

"So how long does this break away from his control, last?" Mikhail asks sternly and I turn to face them. Maddox, Helari, and her servants were now seated on the two couches that faced one another.

"Approximately an hour or so. Which is why I can't waste any time at all- Faustus always knows where I am, so he leaves behind a trail for you to track. I can't do it myself, he'll find me. In fact, I don't think anyone other than you," I look over at Helari, "can trace him from it without being noticed." I say and she smirks.

"Very well. This will take no time at all, so sit down." Helari says calmly and I watch as Maddox gets up, takes my glass of whisky and drinks a bit of it. I raise an eyebrow and he wraps an arm around my waist, gently leading me back to the couch, my glass still in his hands.

I sit down and sigh as I offer Helari my left hand. She takes it and closes her eyes. When she opens them again her eyes are aglow and seem to be looking into a place beyond what the normal eye could see. I feel a warm tingling sensation from my palms. After a few seconds, Helari closes her eyes again and opens them to reveal her odd eyes.

"He's a bit too far off right now, but I should be able to find him once he calls for you." Helari says and I nod my head with a sigh of relief.

"Alright, I can feel my hold on my consciousness waning so let me just show you what I need to say." I say, Helari nods and I look over at Maddox. He gives me an encouraging nod and I lean into him before I speak. "Rememorari erhistor."

I close my eyes and I feel a soft breeze surround us all. When I open my eyes I find that we're in my room... well... my cell.

It's nothing but stone and dim light. I spot myself, a small frail body, sitting on the ground, curled into a dark corner.

"Is that you?" Maddox asks from my side, I look to him and nod. Helari is on my right with her servants standing behind her, and Maddox is to my left.

"I was ten years old." I say simply. I watch as the old me leans her head against the cold wall. "I was being punished for refusing to kill my opponent in a combat session." I say and I walk over to my past self.

She had puffy eyes and red cheeks that revealed her tearstained face.

"When did Faustus first-" Helari begins but she's interrupted by a male voice.

"Elair." The voice called out and I watch as the little version of myself stands up and begins sobbing.

"I didn't know. I didn't mean to disobey... She was my-" She started but she became quiet as the source of the male voice, Faustus, walked in. He gave her a kind smile and wrapped her in his embrace.

"Ssshh... Elair. Min silder, there are no friendships here. You know that." Faustus said. "She was about to kill your aunt, and you shouldn't feel bad for her. She's gone now."


"You will not sleep here tonight, my child. Your aunt has forgiven you and tonight, we continue the ceremonies as planned." Faustus says as he tilts her head up. My past self reveals a set of determined eyes. "Renare lyger... farvel hes ti opiere." Strong little girl... Forget your powers... Faustus says and the scene disappears back into the normal setting.

"You were bound to his commands." Helari says and I nod.

"I'm bound by blood. The night of the mating ceremony is supposed to complete the binding process." I say. "I have no clue on the details of how it's going to be done, but I trust that by the time the night is over, I would have been long gone." I say and Helari nods her head.

"Troubling to say the least." She says and I feel Maddox hold me closer. "I will see what I can do, Mikhail, go and do your best to prepare for Faustus' arrival. Scar, come with me, tracking is what you do best." Helari says and I watch as the two men walk to the door and open it for Helari.

"As for the two of you, there are only two more hours until the mating ceremony, I suggest you place a new sere into the scal, Elair. Should your consciousness fade away, the sere should be able to help fight some of Faustus' hold on you... For now." I nod my head and she smiles as she walks away, the two men closing the door behind her.

"Trouble in paradise already." Maddox says with a sigh and I turn around to face him.

"Whatever happens tonight, I'm glad I got to feel what it was like to have a mate." I say and Maddox's face turns into an expression of concern.

"And you won't forget it." He says as he cups my cheek, I lean into it and enjoy the warm tingles it sends down my spine.

"I will forget the time I spent telling you all about Faustus, just now. I have only a few minutes left." I say and Maddox nods, I wrap my arms around his neck and gently pull him down so that our noses are touching.

"I will do everything that I-"

"Sshhh..." I say as I place a finger on his lips and close my eyes. "Min tevra, wiviadere, en-farvel... vren renare siourvran, sileio skeiva." My love, listen, don't forget... you are powerful, but he knows it too. I say, knowing he would never decipher that, and Maddox raises an eyebrow.


"A little charm for the night." I lie with a soft smile before I feel a darkness come over me. I feel faint and weak as I fall into Maddox's chest. "Take care of us tonight, Maddox. I doubt I will be able to do anything." I mutter as I feel my eyes grow heavy with sleep.

"Iswear I will." Maddox says just as the darkness consumes me    

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