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© 2015 by Nique Joaquin. All rights reserved.


"Are Vaughn and the others okay?" I ask Maddox as we head out to training. Last night went pretty fine, considering Vaughn and his friends listened to me and I left Vaughn with a black eye.

"They're settled. You can visit them if you want. They said they would join training." Maddox says and I shrug.

"Nah. My brother can handle himself. Did you figure out if Ender was here or not?" I ask and Maddox nods.

"He's not." Maddox says and I sigh in relief.

"Good." I respond we make our way through the forest and I watch as Maddox sighs to himself.

"The attack, it's taking place a week from now." Maddox says in a seemingly nonchalant tone.


"I want you to promise me you'll follow my orders, from here on out." Maddox tells me as he turns around tucks a loose strand of my hair behind my ear.

"I'm not stupid, Maddox. I'll follow your orders, no questions asked- unless they take away my human rights." I say and Maddox almost smirks at the fact that I used his name, again.

"Good." He says simply as he steps forward, he presses a soft kiss on my forehead quickly and I watch as he turns again and moves on to where the training grounds are.

I follow him there. Maddox walks into the plain training ground and I spot two groups running in separate lines around the large open area. They were all dressed in black sports clothes just like Maddox was clad in a black shirt and a pair of black jogging pants, which was why I was glad that I'd worn a full black turtleneck sweater and a pair of black leather pants. The usual combat boots were on and I had brought one of my guns with me, tucked into the single holster I had for it. My hair was tied into a ponytail and I wore nothing but eyeliner and mascara on my face today.

Maddox stops and I watch the group run around. I spot the guy I met back in Blood Moon who was pissed off at me shooting his girlfriend. He glances at me and then at Maddox. There's no display of emotion on his face, but the grunt that Maddox gives tells me that he's been mind-linked. Maddox holds a hand up and the two groups run over to us in lines of four. There are 16 in each group and Maddox sighs as he looks at them.

"Elair, take the left." Maddox says and I nod as I walk towards the group. Maddox walks to the right and we split the training ground in half.

The wolves wordlessly begin their training. I end up with the guy I shot and I watch as he stalks his way over to me. I arch a brow and sigh.

"Luna. My name is Iain." He greets with a quick bow of his head. "I'm sorry for the way I acted before."

"I can't blame you. I did shoot- it could've gotten worse if you guys didn't get to my father the way you did." I admit and Iain nods his head. "How is she?" I ask and he looks at me with a quick flash of surprise reflected in his eyes.

"Jillian is fine. So is Rain, the other wolf that was shot. Are you a gunman?" Iain asks formally and I nod.

"Mostly. I... have anger-issues when I'm in a fight for life and death." I explain. Well, that was what Eleanor told me. I added in my head.

"How bad does it get?" Iain asks and I shrug.

"It's been years. I can't get into a fight that threatens my life. Last time I did... I just found my opponent dead." I say honestly. I also found several others around me dead. That was a time I could never forget- and not something I wanted to remember... ironic, considering even I couldn't remember what had happened that led to my opponents' deaths.

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