{twenty one}

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© 2015 by Nique Joaquin. All rights reserved.

Slightly gory, so you've been warned. 


"I think she should do it." Jasper argues for me as we discussed the rogues from earlier this morning.

They attacked at just around 2 in the morning and Maddox had gotten home extremely pissed. The wolves in charge of the borders were put to sleep with a spell and Helari had to perform a cleansing where the rogues had gone. The rogues themselves seemed to have been branded... and were quickly thrown into the dungeons. I was glad that my family had gone out for some sightseeing around Oregon, although I doubted there was much to see, they'd probably decided to head all the way to Portland for all I knew.

"I think I should do it too." I say with a smirk and Maddox sighs.

"You should really stop siding with her." Maddox tells Jasper, who simply smirks in reply.

"From what I hear, she's ruthless. So I think Elair can manage to get the info out of these folks." Jasper says casually and I nod my head.

"I think so too."

"I know you do, that's why I'm asking other people what they think." Maddox says and I roll my eyes at him.

"I haven't done anything since the attack, Maddox. I think I can handle getting info out of a rogue or two."

"There's only one night until-"

"We know!" Jasper and I argue simultaneously and we high-five each other. Maddox sighs and looks at the others in the council.

Trevor and Carson both had amused looks on their faces. Naomi didn't seem to particularly care about the situation and Iain didn't seem bothered. Rina and Lorraine seemed excited.

"I'd love to see it happen." Trevor says and Iain nods.

"I'm all for it. It's not everyday that the Luna tortures-"

"We're avoiding that word." Lorraine tells Rina and Rina rolls her eyes.

"Okay whatever. Either way, I think Luna Elair can handle it." Rina says and I cringe ever so slightly at the sound of that title. Luna Elair? Really?

"No one else has a problem with it other than you." I say quietly to Maddox and he sighs again.

"Fine. Head to the dungeons, we'll all be there in case anything happens. Helari should already be there." Maddox says, giving up and I silently do a fist pump for myself and I see Maddox glare at me. As everyone leaves the room, I hug Maddox from behind around his waist and he sighs. "Don't get too aggressive. Your eyes went blood red the last time we had this happen." I smirk as I nod my head.

"No problem." I say reassuringly and Maddox nods as I let go of him and skip off to join the others in the dungeons.


I have never been so glad to have worn all leather. I had worn my leather leggings and a black leather jacket over a plain white shirt partnered off with my usual boots. Helari had already made the cells all bloodied and messy... Walking on pools of blood isn't exactly my cup of tea.

Helari seemed really tense. You could feel it in the heavy weight in the air and the way that the whole group had gone quiet. Everyone in the little council that Maddox had was in here with me. The stench of fresh blood was everywhere. This cell was pure stonewalls with just enough light to see the four rogues that were secured with thick chains and straps onto inclined torture beds.

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