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© 2015 by Nique Joaquin. All rights reserved.


My eyes fluttered open and widened as they came to a realization that we were still in the middle of the forest. A dead wolf lay close by and I watched as it slowly shifted back into its human form. It was a man who I assumed was about forty that was hunched over... There was no point in checking on him though, he was already dead. His neck was clearly snapped. Though I have no clue as to whether I did that, I'm assuming that I've had a black-out scenario, as my Aunt Eleanor would have called it.

As I stared at the body, an amazing scent began coming towards me. It immediately made me want to just run towards it and-

"Elair! Are you okay?!" Maddox's voice yells from behind me. I turn and immediately my body feels as if it's on high tension.

My senses all seem pushed back as my wolf kicks in and a single word comes into focus.


I thought to myself and I watch as Maddox emerges from the trees and is immediately in front of me, cupping my face up to look into his eyes. His touch sends tingles down my spine and I suddenly feel faint... I have the sudden urge to just pull him down onto my lips and kiss him... I immediately freeze up at the thought. What the hell...

"What's wrong?" Maddox asks and I shake my head.

"Nothing. I took it down." I say softly, motioning to the dead wolf behind us and Maddox nods.

"I'll have someone clean it up. Let's head back to the pack house now." Maddox says and I nod obediently, trying to process why I was suddenly being so submissive and silent.

It was probably because I was in shock. As Maddox turns around to leave, I grab his hand and he turns to look at me with wide eyes. I pause and I watch as he smirks and squeezes my hand as we walk back to the pack house together.


I'm in the shower as I hear Maddox walk around the room. I think I've left the water running or fifteen minutes now as I've been trying to process what was going on with my body. I stepped out of the shower, wrapped myself up in a towel, before taking another towel to dry my hair. I placed my hands on the counter by the sink and stared at my reflection. I felt as if I was forgetting something. Like a heavy feeling was burdening my chest. Unable to pinpoint what it was, I resumed my usual routine of plain lotion and moisturizer and left the bathroom in just a towel.

"We'll have dinner in five minutes, do you want anything in particular-" Maddox begins but he pauses as he looks at me. He'd put on a pale blue shirt and you could almost see the shape of his muscles underneath it.

"What?" I ask with a raised eyebrow before realizing I was only wearing a towel. "Oh, right. Gimme a sec." I mutter before sliding the closet door aside and pulling out my clothes.

Maddox turned around so that his back was faced towards me and I smirked. Always so kind. I pulled on my underwear and a pair of plain soft black joggers that were fairly comfortable and a military green tank top. Then I shrugged on a long black cardigan and shoved my feet into a pair of plain black flip-flops.

"Done?" Maddox asks just as I had combed my fingers through my wet hair.

"Let's go." I say and Maddox turns around with a grin before we head down to the dining area.

As we were eating in the dining room, I felt a familiar set of eyes on me and I realized it was coming from Helari. She seemed to be calling me so I walked over to her, leaving my siblings bickering about which TV show was the best and which cartoon character was the strongest. Kids.

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