{twenty five}

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© 2015 by Nique Joaquin. All rights reserved.


I wake to a start, my neck is sore, and Maddox is sleeping soundly beside me. I smile as I spot the mark on his neck before touching my own. The skin was still sensitive.

The sun had already gone up and almost all of our candles had gone out over the night. I sigh as I gingerly set to getting up, I find the dress I'd worn yesterday and sighed in relief as I slipped it on, I stared at Maddox before kneeling back down and studying his face. He looked like he was completely calm and unguarded.

Maddox's eyes flutter open and he immediately smiles brightly at me.

"Morning." He greets.

"Morning, wanna go for a run?" I ask and he grins, before he gets up and immediately shifts into his black wolf.

Of course. He mind-links as his wolf pants at me, his tongue hanging out. I roll my eyes.

"Okay, then." I say as I slip out of the dress and shift into my wolf. I shake my fur and bark at Maddox.

Are we running or what? I ask and Maddox's wolf barks as he breaks off into a sprint. I let out a huff before sprinting in his direction. I catch up with him and bark.

Thanks for the warning. I mind-link and Maddox's wolf barks twice at me.

You're welcome.

I mentally groan as we sprint through the forest and down towards the lake, halfway through, I hear a strange sound and stop.

Elair? Maddox asks and I feel the worry that somewhat fills his head. He trots towards me and tilts his head.

There's... something... I trail off as I sniff the air. I catch the scent of a familiar person. Over there! I mind-link as I dart to my left and sprint. Maddox follows closely behind me.

Smell that? I ask and Maddox barks.

Clearly. He responds and I continue to follow the scent.

Once I get close enough, I feel a dark feeling swallow me up.

Maddox, go- I hear a loud whimper and turn behind me. I watch as Maddox's wolf falls limp to the ground and a figure emerges from the darkness.

"Eovre andet." You have a purpose. A female voice says from behind him. Maddox is awake but his eyes reveal his pain.

Run! Maddox yells through the mind-link and I hear his wolf yelp as the figure steps out of the shadows.

The figure is that of a woman and my eyes widen upon recognizing her. Her eyes are dark blue, her hair blonde and pulled into an elegant style, and she stares at me with disdain.

"You broke the rules, Elair." She says and I widen my eyes. "And you will pay for it." She says and I launch my wolf at her only to find me suspended up in the air.

She looks to me and then at Maddox's wolf. From her side, she pulls out a dagger and without so much as a glance, flings it at me. I watch as Maddox whimpers and sobs in his wolf form and I watch as the point of the blade races towards me-

"Elair!!! Wake up!" Maddox yells and I open my eyes to his blazing amber ones.

"...What?" I ask and Maddox sighs in relief before embracing me.

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