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© 2015 by Nique Joaquin. All rights reserved.


Several hours and a plane ride later, I find myself somewhere in the middle of a largely forested area- not surprising, considering that wolves actually like forests. But damn... Is it cold, I have never been more glad to be a werewolf in my life. We were near the mountains and you can practically smell the fresh wind coming down from them... and you know what?

I actually like Maddox's territory... and I think he's caught onto it, because I have been standing in front of this huge ass lake for about an hour. It's really tranquil, but that might be because it's 2 in the morning and we've just arrived. Judging by the fact that it's cold and we're by the mountain ranges, I'm guessing I'm in Oregon or Washington. Somewhere North- because the time difference is way too huge of a gap for it to be in the same general area- or time zone if we're speaking technicalities.

"Like what you see?" Maddox asks and I sigh, a cold puff of air blows in front of me.

"Definitely." I say as I turn around to face him. Only to find him wearing a fairly tight muscle tee, his ripped chest is on full display, I arch a brow, but I don't dare to entertain him by asking him why.

"Our room is ready, I've had someone prepare a few things for you, so clothes shouldn't be a problem." Maddox informs me and I nod, not really wanting to start any type of conversation. When he starts walking away, I follow him and savor the rich smell of the forest as I do.

There was nothing I loved more than nature- and family, of course. But something about the trees and the wind in the early mornings invigorated me and just calmed me down. I followed Maddox and soon found that the pack house was a mere 10 to 15 minute walk away from the lake. As I walk with him, I observe how strangely quiet it was and then I reminded myself that it was 2 in the morning, and that probably, the only people awake were the night guards that seemed to follow a strict patrol. But still, as a precaution, I grabbed Maddox's arm, causing him to stop. He pauses to look at me. Not really wanting to ask him the question I've been meaning to ask, I hesitate before opening my mouth.

"There's no welcoming party, is there?" I decide to ask, trying not to sound too concerned and he shakes his head.

"None," He says and I immediately sigh in relief, "I'll introduce you later, it's too early." Maddox explains simply and I nod as he, somehow, manages to make my own hand fall into his and he squeezes. His hand is warm and surprises me as the rest of my body was only just getting used to the cold climate.

The pack house was a huge log cabin with several floors. It's built on a clearing on a hill. There are three levels and each one is currently in the dark, since I assume that everyone was fast asleep. But I do spot a crystal chandelier in the center area that's been covered in large glass window sections, and boy... am I a sucker for large windows. I could probably sit there all day. The living area is spacious with a bar right by the entrance to the living room. The whole log cabin theme was obvious in the interior design of the place. I'm guessing we were looking at the back of the log-cabin-mansion, which was why we walked right up to it and entered, immediately finding ourselves in the living room. Maddox leads me in and I relax as I feel the warmth of the home fill me.

Maddox wordlessly leads me up to a room on the third floor and opens the door with a key card. The house is all woodsy and surprisingly filled with warmth. It's dark, but it doesn't take away from the modern style mixed in with a few antiques. The rustic fireplace in the living room and the old framed paintings are stunning and I'm absolutely fascinated despite it being so dark. I arch a brow as Maddox unlocks the room and leads me in.

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