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© 2015 by Nique Joaquin. All rights reserved.

Hot chapter, again. Because goddamn it, Elair and Maddox are sexy together and y'all should just deal with it.



I'm making a run for it in the woods. The leather jacket of my combat outfit hits a few branches as I sprint off. I had worn our classic outfit of a crimson leather jacket over an all black attire. My heavy combat boots crunched with every step I took in the woods as I ran my routine. Guns at the ready, I circled the perimeter.

"You've progressed very well." A familiar voice says from right behind me. I turned, ready to fire, before sighing.


"You know who I am. But, of course, spells can get a bit tricky... Rememorari." The voice says and I blink my eyelids.

"Faustus." I said simply and he smirks.

"I'm glad the spells still work." He says and I arch a brow.

"What spell?" I ask him and he sighs before tucking a hair behind my ear.

"My darling, Elair... Ari has hell to pay and you will be perfect. Farvel." He says and I feel every part of my body turn frigid. "The attack Maddox intends to proceed with tonight... I want you to do exactly as I say..."


I wake to a start and feel the breath get knocked out of my lungs. The back of my neck is sore and I gingerly lift myself off of the bed. I'm in Maddox's bedroom and I sigh in relief when I find that it's only night. Meaning I still had time to train tomorrow morning before the attack. The only surprise is that I'm dressed in a really big grey sweater that reeks of a certain Alpha.

"You alright?" Maddox asks from behind me, I turn and find that he's just showered, his hair is damp and he's got a fitted silvery grey tank top and a pair of black cargo pants on.

"How long was I out for?" I ask him and Maddox sighs before walking around to the bedside table to my left.

"10 hours... 27 minutes." Maddox says and I raise an eyebrow.

"Uh huh..." I mutter as I rub my neck.

"Does it hurt?" Maddox asks and I shake my head.

"Just irks me. Something's... there." I say, knowing how ridiculous I sound.

"Ari placed a regulator of some sort into your neck. You won't feel it, but it's hooked into your system." Maddox says as he pulls a tray off of the bedside table and places it beside me. He takes off the silver covers on three plates and I practically drool at the sight and array of food.

There's a bowl of cream of mushroom soup, a plate of steak and vegetables, and a small bowl of mashed potatoes. On a smaller plate is a little mini cake that looks like a chocolate mousse.

"Was there an event?" I ask and Maddox chuckles.

"It's tradition. The night before an attack, we have a little feast. Just in case people don't come back." Maddox says as he plays with a loose lock of my hair.

"Huh. What's your average casualty?" I ask and Maddox smirks.

"Zero. Consider Helari a great perk in times like this." He tells me and I roll my eyes as I pick up my spoon to eat the soup. Why even celebrate if you expect zero casualties, but I guess it wasn't illogical.

"Have you eaten?" I ask and Maddox shrugs.

"I had a meeting with the final council. I don't want anything to go wrong. You'll be leading one of the sectors with Iain. I'm not taking any chances." Maddox says and I nod my head.

"Okay... I'm gonna let that pass tonight since I have a mind bending headache going on right now and I can't negotiate otherwise." I say as I put my spoon up towards Maddox, he raises an eyebrow at me and I roll my eyes. "Eat, you bastard." I say, I watch as he keeps his eyes on me and takes the spoonful of soup into his mouth. I tilt the spoon and pull it away before dipping it back into my bowl.

"You're being nice tonight." Maddox says and I cock my head to the side.

"Don't take it for granted." I say and Maddox chuckles.

"I'm glad you feel fine." He says before he cups my cheek. I stare at him, probably because I felt a little spark with his touch, before I release my breath.

"I don't understand how I still don't feel much different." I admit, despite the tiny spark I'd felt prior, it just wasn't enough, and Maddox sighs.

"Don't worry about it." Maddox says as he rubs my cheek with his thumb. "Keep eating, I'll have someone bring me food later. I have a few documents to send in for the night." He says before lifting himself off of the bed.

"Could you grab me some history book about Helari?" I ask and Maddox raises his eyebrows. "She told me about it the day we had our little anger episode." I add and Maddox nods his head before disappearing into his office and re-appearing with a little leather book that's been aged so much that it looks like it's been through hell and back.

"This thing is centuries old. Helari hasn't re-newed the preservation spell she normally casts on it, so be careful with this one." Maddox says as he hands it to me. He runs a hand through my hair and tilts my head upwards. "Helari will be here tomorrow morning. She waited on you for a bit to make sure the regulator was fine." Maddox tells me and I nod my head.

Maddox pauses for a few seconds and his gaze drops to my lips before he looks into my eyes again. I roll my eyes and grab the back of his head.

"Quit hesitating and kiss me." I mutter before pulling him down to me for a deep kiss. Maddox groans before he pulls me in even deeper.

I can feel every worry and frustration he's had since the moment the 'unlock' began. Maddox puts his knees on the bed and continues to kiss me as he lays me down gently. I smirk when he pushes the tray of food away just far enough to give us space. I run my left hand through his damp hair and he groans as I trail my right hand down his back and pull him closer. I feel a rush pulse through me as Maddox tilts my head up further, baring my neck to him, Maddox trails his mouth away from mine and moves down my jaw to my neck.

"Maddox..." I moan and he sets his lips onto the sensitive part on my neck. Maddox works gently, sucking and nipping whilst avoiding breaking the skin, and I feel the muscles on his back strain.

I wrap my legs around his hips and he groans as I trail my arms all around his back. Maddox growls seductively into my ear and I feel his canines elongate and trace the spot where my mark would be.

"We... have... to stop..." Maddox says in a low strained voice and I laugh breathlessly as I pull my hands away from his back and towards his face. I cup his face in my hands and pull him up to my own, his eyes are dark and full of lust.

His teeth are still partially elongated and I feel an impulse to do something I would have never done a few weeks ago. I pull him down to me and do the weirdest thing. I lick his canines and smirk as I feel the growl vibrate through his lips.

"Later." I say in a soft whisper and I feel Maddox smirk against my lips as well. He places a quick yet deep kiss on my lips before pressing his forehead against mine.

"Tomorrow." He says before kissing my forehead and pulling away from me.

I feel a bit of disappointment as he leaves me but he turns his head and smirks at me before heading back to his office. I smirk to myself and suppress a giggle before realizing what's going on. I do a double-take and bite my bottom lip. Damn... this guy's got me good...



Rememorari - Remember

Farvel - Farewell/Forget

Break Me, Mate [Extended Sample]Where stories live. Discover now