Taking it Down

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Hey everyone! Yes this is an Author's Note the TLDR is right after this sentence so if you don't really want to read here it is:

TLDR; I'm deleting a lot of 'Break Me, Mate'. (Also this is very similar to my note for my followers so if you've read it you can skim or skip this)

So I've been reading comments from 'Break Me, Mate' and it seems like I should just start taking it down (by that I mean bit-by-bit). I mean, to be honest, 'Make Me, Mate' is doing fine and I'm trying to stay away from too much of ElairXMaddox scenes in it since it can get a little too fan-service-y for my liking.

I might be re-writing a few parts of Make Me, Mate so it can stand on its own.

That being said, I'm going to be deleting parts of 'Break Me, Mate' one by one so that I might just leave a few chapters - I'll see where I'd like to stop but honestly writing with it up and not being complete for everyone is just haunting the back of my mind and is just getting really bad for me. I don't want to let it really cling and hold my writing back - so I might end 'Break Me, Mate' either with just the first half up or even just the first three chapters from here on out. I really want to get a kind of new start so I'm working from the bottom up again with Make Me, Mate. 

I'm also nearing the end of the semester where I'm at so I should have more time to develop Make Me, Mate further until it's ready as a complete stand-alone even for those that haven't read 'Break Me, Mate'. Not to mention, I'll really miss Elair's character but at this rate I'd rather pull Sera's character together and develop her rather than cling onto Elair when in my mind, her story is getting to a pretty safe space. You might find traces of Elair in other stories I'm planning but yeah, this is the plan for now. She'll of course still have a role in Make Me, Mate, but not one that is too important anymore.

I love her but I gotta let her go off with Maddox and be happy, you know? Plus, Sera's got a story to tell too and I don't want them to fight for a spotlight together.

From the author trying to get her shít together,_laciela

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