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© 2015 by Nique Joaquin. All rights reserved.


I am so boned... I thought to myself. But I really had nothing much to think about.

Since Maddox is, admittedly, one of the best kissers in this world. He's flipped us over and I'm at the point where every kiss has left me absolutely breathless. Every time he kisses me something inside me just pulls at my skin. And with every one he leaves on my lips, my neck, my chest, which is still covered up, despite Maddox actually tearing off his own tank top off of me earlier, leaves my stomach strangely filled with butterflies. His amber eyes are ablaze with lust as he looks at me and reminds me that this means so much more to him than me. Supposing he is my mate of course.

Everything he felt was so much stronger than my own. Sure, I was feeling pretty good right now. But it would never compare to how my touch would make him feel. And although I'm not one for sappy love tingles, I'm also not one to fuck with people's feelings.

This was dangerous.

This was risky.

I don't know what's coming over me but it's scaring me. It's making me nervous and makes me want to scream in frustration. It reminded me of my dream- except that this was real. I can feel the heat surge from within me with every move he makes, but it's still not equal. Part of me wants to stop and the other, more risk-taking Elair, wants to see where this is going-

But I don't get to find out, because after Maddox nips at my skin, staying a fairly large distance away from my exposed neck, he stops and kisses my forehead.

"Sleep." He says as he abruptly gets up and leaves me alone to go to the bathrom.

I swallow a lump in my throat and sigh. Running a hand through my hair, I try to process what just happened.

God I haven't even kissed anyone since like, what? Since I was 5 and this weird kid got all up in my face?

Yes. Welcome to the world of Elair Richelieu. Pro-squadron leader, kick-ass trainer, and yet also self titled noob kisser.

"Ari will come back tomorrow to check on you again." Maddox says as he comes out of the bathroom, and I nod my head as I pull the sheets over me. Maddox opened one of the closets before coming over to his side of the bed.

"Here." Maddox says as he hands me a grey shirt. I look at it and nod as I pull it over my head and put it on. It definitely covered more of myself. "Good night, Elair." He says and I nod as he closes the lights.

...I think I've gone into shock.

That's it.

I've gone into shock.

On the bright side,

I am going to the whole invasion thing.


I turn and find Maddox sleeping peacefully with a content look on his face. Yeah, good for you... I think to myself. He's probably real happy that he turned the situation around so that it was good for me and even better for him. And in my stupidity... I actually said yes.

I bite my bottom lip and mentally groan. I couldn't do anything about it now, so I might as well just sleep my ass off.


I got up the next day to an empty side of the bed but it was still warm. The sound of a shower informed me that Maddox was bathing and I stretched my arms out only to gawk at the marks on my skin...

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