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© 2015 by Nique Joaquin. All rights reserved.

Fair warning, there are some graphic and violent scenes described in this section. Caution is advised.


I watch as Maddox ominously hangs around a group of fifty wolves that are set on sparring. They all look very well disciplined, but Maddox informed me earlier that these were his best men and women. So here I am, observing a field of wolves training in man-to-man combat, Maddox interrupting every once in a while to give some of them more difficulty. He didn't introduce me and I couldn't be any happier. Honestly, I didn't want to go through the whole intro process anyways.

One of the male wolves looks over at me and the other wolf he's sparring with laughs. Maddox's eyes immediately zone in on the guy and I roll my eyes. Alphas and their overly protective and possessive natures, I think to myself. I watch as Maddox stalks his way towards the pair of wolves and I find myself moving with him. I get close enough and I press a hand on the center of his chest.

"Chill." I say before I hear one of the wolves snicker. I look at the source and find that it's the one that's been staring at me.

"Maddox, seems like you've got yourself whipped. Let me know when you get sick of her, might wanna try her myself." He says and I roll my eyes.

"You seem like you deserve an ass whipping." I snap before looking at Maddox. "I'm going to go do that, so give me permission, Alpha." I say in a demanding tone, Maddox is still sensitive to my defiant attitude so he hesitates to give me the permission I demand. He still gives it to me with a silent nod and I smirk before patting his shoulder.

"Move over, bitch." I say as I effortlessly push his friend aside. He's stunned but stands back, probably due to the evil face Maddox is pulling on him.

I watch as the guy who spoke earlier cracks his knuckles. Ugh. I hate that sound. It irks the absolute hell out of me. I twist my hair into a tighter bun atop of my head and I stretch my arms.

"Well, my name is Trevor, sweetheart... and I'd like to have the name of the beautiful young lady that challenged me." He says as he runs a hand through his disgustingly sweaty brown hair.

"The name's Elair. Remember that when I have your ass handed to you on a silver platter." I say, glaring at him.

"Oh ple-" He begins but I quickly move, I slow my movements down for predictability and when he blocks one of my moves he smirks.

"I don't like cheaters, babe." He says with a flirtatious tone.

"There's no such thing as cheaters in a free fight, kid." I respond and I hear a bunch of voices go 'Ohhh'- and it's only then that I realize that there's an actual crowd, no other group is sparring anymore and Maddox isn't stopping it from happening.

"Feisty." Trevor says back and I roll my eyes as he makes a move to punch my side and kick me on the other.

I jump away from him and quickly retaliate my own way by ducking and getting behind him, once I'm there, I don't hesitate to plant a rough kick on his back that sends him flying forward.

"I'm over here, kiddo." I tease and he turns to face me with an angry look in his eyes. "Oh wow, I'm so scared." I say sarcastically and when he makes a run for me, I observe his eyes.

I know he's planning a good move so instead of defending myself I sprint forward and slide below his arms and his kicking leg. I hook my arm onto his planted foot and use the force of my movements to trip him over. I jump to a standing position and smirk as he begins to push himself off the ground. I immediately shove my foot over the middle of his back and he falls smack down.

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