Well maybe they are

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       Parker looked in horror, he couldn't believe his eyes. Crawling out from under his bed was this strange looking creature. It appeared to be humanoid, with 2 pairs of wings, one appeared to be feathered and the other appeared bat like. His eyes glowed yellow in the dark, his hands appeared to be ended with claws, scales lined his hands but not his whole body, he had a demon like tail and little horns, it was hard to see his whole body so that may not have been all. Parker was scared. He sees this random monster looking in his room watching over him sleep, it appeared to be doing weird hand motions over me while i slept and mumbling some weird things. Parker didn't know what to do, What was this weird monster watching over him? Parker went on with his day panicking, what was he going to do?? He didn't want to call his friends because they were gonna be like "I told you so." and he didn't want them rubbing it in his face forever. 

          He eventually reached the time when he would usually sleep, and instead of checking under the bed like usual, he decided to try and confront this creature. He Shined a flashlight under the bed and he saw a glimpse of something before it was gone and he started yelling "I KNOW YOUR HERE CREATURE,NO USE IN HIDING" Parker heard something crawling out from under his bed, this creature was the size of a regular human being, once it stood up he saw that  this thing was shorter than him by a little but was overall just normal, other than its appendages. (Describing time yippee idk how to do this with out blobbing it together so    hopefully we can live through it). What was standing in front of him was a male wearing sunglasses that you could see his glowing yellow eyes through. He also had fluffy dirty blonde looking hair. He had two pairs of decently sized wings perched upon his back, the top and larger pair looking to be angel wings, covered in soft fluffy looking black feathers, underneath that pair was a smaller pair of demon looking wings that were dark red. He had a red demon tail      swaying behind him. The male was awkwardly holding his clawed hands his hands were slightly scaly with some feathers. He had small red horns perched atop his head. The male had a cropped hoodie, showing that on the sides of his waist were scales, but the rest was just regular old skin. He had black jeans covering his legs, and what appeared to be bird feet? kinda like a harpys idk. i looked back at his face.

          "So what's the deal man?!?" Parker ask kinda angrily, wondering if he even could understand him. The other male still just stood there awkwardly, probably confused to how he could have gotten cought. The male spoke up "well...uhm...you see-." Parker was surprised he          could speak,also by the fact that he had very sharp teeth, but the other male couldn't seem to put words to it. He spoke again "I'm your Guardian Demon." he said in a slightly awkward tone, damn this guy is awkward. "Your my what?" Parker said in pure confusion, he had heard of Guardian angels but never Guardian Demons. "Well you see, i unlike other demons i like humans, and i protect you and your dreams, you see i am largely a dream eater demon, so i eat all your bad ones instead of your good ones, i also protect you from other demons that may try to interfere with you in negative ways." Parker stood in confusion, so this demon is the reason why he never had bad dreams? And probably why his life had been going so well. "Huh" was all Parker could let out, he was just in shock. "So your a good demon?" Parker asked and the male nodded "Yes i have a fondness for humans." Parker nods and turns the light on so he can see better, he looks back at the demon and sees that his prior golden yellow glowing eyes had turned a shade of baby blue, this confused Parker but wasn't the most confusing part of his night so far. "so what's your name, mine is Chester?" the demon pulls out his scaly hand to shake Parkers, "Thats a cool name, mine is Parker" As parker shook Chester's hand Chester made carful importance to not    accidentally poke Parker with his sharp long nails. The feeling of the scales against Parkers hand felt weird to the human male, and Chester's feathers on his arms brushed up against him a little, they were soft heh. "yeah i know *he let out a small laugh, which parker thought was maybe a little cute* ive heard your name spoke through your dreams, I just wanted to be polite" "Huh??"Parker was a little scared at what else he had seen.

two chapters in one day yippeee :))) i dont know if all of them will be this long, because im a busy person but i will try my hardest. hope you like the story so far :D,i also am planning on maybe drawing a picture of what Chester looks like 

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