Shits goin down

55 4 7

Tw: Blood and stuffs

Chester steps out of the car. He looks up at Parkers house, the only light was from the dim street lights and what appeared to be Parkers bedroom light. He let out a long breath of air. He hoped this would all go good. His tail drooped along with his wings. Chad and Olivia had all the gear they needed out the car. I turned to Chad to ask how we were going to get in and he suddenly pulls out a key to Parkers house. Chester looked at him with a raised eyebrow but decided he didn't want to know the answer. Oliva had a belt with salt, chalk? and a small pistol, i don't know. Chad just had a book it appeared. Chester was not fully familiar about rituals to get rid of Demons as a human. They quietly make it in to the house. Chester's tail swayed anxious as he walked into the house, his eyes glowed a yellow color as it was dark. He curled both pairs of his wings close to him, careful not to bump into anything.

He could hear Parker and Empusa talking, he felt disgust even thinking of it. The house reeked of demon. it made Chester want to gag, it wasn't just any regular demon, it was her .  Chad and Olivia were setting there equipment up. Oliva cut her wrist and made a puddle of blood and drew a pentagram with it and hid it under the rug, she drew certain symbols on it that should trap that type of demon. They had holy water to weaken her. They all look at each other in acknowledgement. Chester slowly slinked up the stairs. He turned into Parkers room and saw only Parker sleeping on the bed, no one else. Huh- Suddenly he gets shoved down to the floor, Atop him is Empusa in demon form. Her face covered in scales and her horns sticking out of her head, she held him down with her hooves. Her eyes glowed red. "Hah so you've come back have you Mr dream demon?" Her breath reeked, Chester turned his face to avoid it. "Oh boy, you reek of insecurity" She laughed probably one of the most demonic laughs Chester has ever heard, and he used to live in hell. "Your not gonna win-"  Chester suddenly bites her shoulder and kicks her off with his clawed feet, using his wings to propel himself up, Cutting her chest. Blood drips down her shoulder and Chester's mouth. He tried to spit out as much as possible. Yuck, That shits nasty. It tasted of rotted flesh. While Empusa was composing herself Chester booked it down the stairs. She immediately started chasing after him. His wings flailed around in a panic. She grabbed his ankle and dug her claws into it Making Chester let out a small screech. He shakes her off and tries to run to where Chad and Olivia are. She tries to grab at his wings. Pulling a few feathers off and scratching him other pair a bit. Hes still scrambling throughout the house and she manages to grab his horns. Goddamn horns.

He tries to get of her grasp but he cant. She opens her mouth to say something when suddenly Chad throws some holy water at her. She lets out a small scream as she lets go of Chester. Chester shakes his wings off and tried to compose himself, He has blood dripping from different parts of his body, but hes fineee-. Empusa was back up in a matter of seconds and was after Chester again, he ran until suddenly he tried to and had a wave of extreme pain hit him. He let out a yelp and looked to see he had stumbled onto the rug. Empusa came along with him and they were both stuck in there together. Shit. Empusa took this opportunity to try and beat the shit out of Chester, but he was fighting back. Many feathers were lost, many bite marks were made on the both of them, and they were both covered in blood. Chesters teeth were most likely going to be blood stained, and his poor wings probably had a few bald spots at this point, His shirt had gotten ripped and he had a bloody gash on his chest from her claws, he may have lost a few scales on his sides too. Empusa wasnt looking too good herself, as she was probably bleeding more than Chester. Chester had the advantage of many sharp points. His horns, his teeth, his nails, His Claws on his feet. It wasnt very nice to mess with. Suddenly He looks over and sees Chad and Olivia panicked. " Goddamit Chester! You weren't supposed to end up in there." Chad had a container of holy water. He hoped to get it on Empusa to weaken her, let Chester out, and keep her in. Empusa had Chester pinned down at the moment, so it wasn't going to be that hard to hit her. He had Chester's arms and legs held down. His tail was also held down. He couldnt reach her to do any thing to hurt her. Welp-. 

He Sees Chad about to throw the holy water when hes Suddenly bumped ,Instead of the Holy water hitting just Empusa, it hit us both. Chester and her screamed out in pain. Chester had never felt anything as painful as that in that moment, His skin steamed and he kept hissing in pain. He looked over to see parker was the one that had pushed Chad. His eyes looked a tint of green, signifying that he was currently under Empusa's control. The last thing he saw was Empusa above him not looking very happy before he passed out from the pain...

>:))) hehe until next time. hope you enjoyed, sorry its been taking so long ive been having some issues in my personal life and ive been too tired to do anything, i still love writing though so it must continue!

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