Cheer him up

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Warning for this one: mentions of sexual things idk man

Parkers Pov

 The rest of the day went as usual, the normal way it had been for weeks now, Chester was being a little distant but that's okay. Days turned into weeks and i didn't have another nightmare. Chester was still acting strange though, he looked so...tired? and just overall exhausted. I decided we should go somewhere to maybe make him feel better. I walk down to the living room after showering to see Chester taking a nap on the couch with Apollo. He looked zonked, zooted even. His wings hung lazily off the couch and his sunglasses were half way off his face.

I decide ill just wait until he wakes up so i go to turn to go back up the stairs but before i could even reach the first step i hear the sound of Chester suddenly sitting himself up, breathing intensely. I turn to look at him and he's just sitting there breathing, Apollo was licking him and whining. "Hey, are you okay?" Chester turns his head to me, i can see the glowing of his blue eyes underneath his sunglasses. "yeah im fine." He says sounding cold. I frown, i don't like seeing Chester like this, he's been super off. Every time i try to say something he just brushes it off and says he's tired, which he defiantly was, he almost sported the same signature eye bags i have. I didn't know what was wrong with him, i didn't know much about demons of demon anatomy.

"Hey so i was wondering if maybe you wanted to go to the mall and then movies with me?" Chester looked at me, he had a smile on his face despite it also looking tired. "Im down." So we both got ready and Chester hid away his demonic features and we drove, him in the passenger seat of course. I played my usual music and hummed along and i looked over to Chester for a second, he just had his chin in his hand and was looking out the window, sunglasses on. I look back to the road and see a dead deer on the side of it, poor thing. There was lots of road kill in our area, there was forest next to a very populated road it was just waiting for stuff like that to happen. 

I pull the car into the mall driveway and me and Chester get out, he has never been here before so this should be fun. I look over to Chester and he seemed actually happy, still tired, but happy! I smile at him and he smiles back, i grab onto his hand, i wouldn't want him getting lost after all? The feeling of his hand against mine was very nice, the scales felt cool on his hands, he held my hand back and i could feel him being carful not to stab me with the ends of his fingers, which is nice of him. I gently rub my thumb against the back of his hand, its something i just do and he gave me a little bit of a funny look, as we walk into the mall he pulls out gloves to cover his hands, how unfortunate, I grab his gloved hand and pull him into the mall, i was excited and i hoped he was too, all i want is for him to feel better, cant have my little nightmare eater feeling down can i?

I took him to all my favorite stores and i showed him Hot Topic because that seems like the kind of place he would enjoy, and he did, he picked himself a new crop top, he also wanted to go into spencer's so i took him in there, he enjoyed that too, i did not follow him into the back though, i could here his manical snickering though, the employees were giving me weird looks as i stood there waiting for him. He came back with some random sex toy that said sexual deviants. "yknow I'm a bit of a sexual deviant myself." He said with a shit eating grin, i roll my eyes at him. "With the way you act i wouldn't doubt it, you dont got game though, no way." Chester let out an offended gasp "How dare you, i assure you that i do." "Uh huh" There's no way this man who wears on the daily a crop top that says "don't worry be furry" has game, or at least more game than me. Chester spoke up "Well what's your body count then?" my face flushed a little, how dare he say this so Nonchalant "5, what about you demon boi?" Suddenly his face twisted to a face of pure smugness. "72 to be exact." my mouth was agape, there was no way? He must be lying. "Uh huh sure." He grinned "its true, would it be more believable if i told you that i was 150 years old? and that hell is basically just a sex hole?"  Well i guess that makes sense, he is a demon after all, huh, sometimes i forget. "I'm also part succubus, so technically iccubus for me, so typically living beings are drawn to me in different ways." okay well that makes a lot more sense. I'm just glad he seemed happier than when he was at home. I look away face still lightly flushed at the thought. "Okay i believe you." Chester grins "Good" I go to walk out of Spencer's and turn back and expect to see Chester following me but i see him at the register buying what ever godforsaken thing he had picked out. 

Eventually he catches back up with me and i just give him a look, he turns to me "what?" I sigh "Nothing" He just nods his head and i take him to get the Boba that they had in the mall, I get myself a drink and he says he doesn't want any. "Are you sure?" "Yeah" i nod my head and we continue walking, he suddenly looks at me and gives me a pleading look, i raise my eyebrow at him and look down to my drink and sigh, i then hand it too him for him to try, he took a sip and his eyes lit up, more than usual of course. "That's good" "yeah i told you" For the rest of the time we were at the mall he kept taking small sips from my drink, i didn't really care though as long as he was happy.

We eventually finish our stay at the mall and enter the car to go to the movies, i turn to Chester and he looks tired but still cheerful, i smile and start driving.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter, make sure to take care of yourselves this summer, i know this is when the sadness likes to kick in, so try your best to take care of yourselves, shower, brush your teeth, eat, drink, what ever you need, even if its just a little its still alot in my eyes take care<3

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