Chester is a wet rat confirmed?

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             Chester had eventually woken up and looked at the time, it was around 1 am, Parker was nowhere in sight. Chester looked around a little bit confused and then remembered he fell asleep downstairs. He slowly slinked his way up the stairs, he was REALLY hungry. He licked his lips with his split tongue. Once he made his way to Parkers room he saw him peacefully curled up on the large bed, He could tell he hadn't been  asleep long and there had been no time for a dream to entraps his mind yet, but he could still see the dreams soon to come. Once Chester crawled his way over to Chester he ate any possible bad dreams to come. He frowned, it was so hard not to eat just oneee small measly good dream, and the worst part is that he almost actually did it. No he couldn't once you get one it will become normal, and then one will turn to two and so on. Chester couldn't turn to that, especially not with this human he would feel bad. Chester decided to take a shower to clear his mind.

Chester was iffy on showers, he didn't like having to preen his wings after, after all he didn't shower often considering the fact that he has no place to call his own home so he couldn't let Parker catch him in his shower. He giggled at the thought. He didn't often have any time at this house alone because he almost always discretely followed parker to make sure no demons got ahold of him in the real world. Its not like he stunk or anything so did it really matter? Once Chester stripped of his crop top and other clothes he turned on the warm water. The hot water hitting him bare skin was pretty nice feeling. Chester proceeded to take over an hour long shower. Once he got out he felt refreshed, he forgot how calming that was. He snapped his fingers and cleaned his clothes and put them back on, What? these were his favorite, he also put his sunglasses back on.

Chester spent awhile trying to shake as much water from his feathered wings as possible, he also tried getting the water out of his arm feathers and leg feathers. it was uhh quite the process. That alone took him another hour before he was dry enough to crawl into bed with Parker. He carefully positioned himself so that he wouldn't touch Parker on accident, he didn't want to accidentally pass any boundaries and have Parker make him leave, that would not be good. Chester made a small pouty face at the thought. Wow Chester was really attached to this human wasn't he? He had been feeding off of his dreams for about 6 months now, and even unnecessarily protecting him from outside demons, which wasn't his job but he still enjoyed it. Chester felt as if the second the two actually talked it had become more real, like maybe he had made a real friend for the first time in like... well actually forever. Chester continued thinking happy thoughts like these and eventually fell asleep.

Hours later, once it was around 9am Parker had awoken from his peaceful slumber. He looked over to see that Chester had made his way into bed sometime last night. Parker had let out a small smile and opened up the curtains, bringing a cascade of light into the room. Chester slowly awoke and smiled a toothy grin at parker, and slid his sunglasses up his face. Parker made his way downstairs after brushing his teeth and using the bathroom, and opened up the fridge a frown immediately playing onto his face. Chester popped up behind him and gave him a questioning face. Parker let out a audible groan "there's like no food left in the fridge, were gonna have to go to the store." Chester looked at him and realized what he said "uhm, did you just say we?" "well yes i would like to bring you along, didn't you say you would follow me around before hand?" Chester's face flushed at being called out. "well i was normally in full hiding decently far from you to avoid being seen, if i were to come with you i would be very noticeable." Chester scratched his head in thought and had an idea "i suppose i could disguise myself." Parker looked at Chester with a straight face "your telling me you could do that this whole time and didn't tell me?" Parker gave a joking disapproving sigh and Chester spoke up "woah there, being disguised is a lot of work for me, i can only hide my full form for a very short time without being fully drained of energy, i can hid certain parts of me and its not as much energy though." Parker looked at him and immediately ran to his room, leaving a very confused Chester behind. Parker then came back with a long sleeved shirt to cover his arms and waist, gloves to cover his hands, higher grade sunglasses to cover the glowing up his eyes, and shoes that were big enough to manage to fit Chester's strange feet, and a hat to cover up his horns. Chester just looked at him skeptically, Parker grinning very widely. "put this all on and all you have to hide is your wings and tail." Chester nodded his head slowly, he guessed it wouldn't be too bad to just hide those. Chester made his way to the bathroom to change and came out looking like a human, he hid his wings and tail. Parker was beaming "I can take you places easily now!" "yep" When Chester spoke you could still see his sharp teeth and split tongue. Parker supposed that wasn't that bad, some people have normal sharp teeth, maybe not the level of Chester but what ever. 

"Time to go to the store!" Parker beamed as he begun to practically drag Chester out of the house, Chester just gulped...

WHATS UP GANG IM BACKKK, so ive been heavily debating if i should add smut or not later on in the book because i don't know what audience i have reading this, and i don't know if anyone would want it, or if i should put it as its own separate thing idk

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