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Parker had a brilliant idea. He ran down to the living room where he saw Chester watching tv on the couch, his tail swaying back and fourth as he seemed mesmerized. Parker tapped on Chester's shoulder, startling him. Chester turned to parker with a small confused head tilt. "i have a wonderful idea to get us out of the house!" Chester then looked at him skeptically, Parker then continued. "we should go out to dinner at a restaurant, it would be really cool!" Chester nodded his head in fake enthusiasm, in reality he was kind of nervous. He had been going out to different places with Parker a little more often now, so it wasn't that different he supposed, he was still scared though. He also didn't really want to have to use a lot of energy, but he would do it for Parker.

Parker told Chester to get dressed and ready and Chester did so, putting on some regular looking clothing for once, while Parker just put a sweater and jeans on, he also put his hot man glasses on. Chester put on all the things he would need to hide his odd features, and hid the ones with magic that couldn't be hidden with clothes. Parker and Chester walked outside to the car and Parker got into the drivers seat and Chester sat down in the passengers seat. Parker started making his way to the Restaurant. It was about 5:30pm so it was a good time for dinner. Once they reached the Restaurant Both Parker and Chester stepped out of the car and walked in. It wasn't a very crowded Restaurant, as it seemed to be one of the less fancy ones, but still a nice place. The two males walked up to the area to get service and a waiter showed them to there table. Chester sat down and looked at the menu, not really wanting food knowing that its expensive and doesn't fill him up, so he just decided to get a fruity alcoholic beverage and a small thing of fries. Parker decided what he wanted and a waiter came to our table. As soon as she walked close to the table Chester immediately felt this weird off putting energy, it making him squint his eyes. The feeling was so overwhelming once she got to the table itself. Chester could barely sit still, the feeling felt gross, like looking at a rotting corpse, seeing maggots crawling around through the decaying flesh. Parker looked enamored. The girl was relatively pretty, she had Brown hair and a relatively straight smile, and empty looking blue eyes, the kind that stare into your eyes.

"Why hello there! How can i help you two out today?" Every word she spoke made this weird primal feeling of wrongness go off in Chester, he was trying not to let it show though. They both ordered what they wanted and the girl looked Parker up and down and gave him a... Seductive smile??? Chester wasn't very good with human signals. "Hey are you Parker? like the streamer?" Parker looked surprised but seemed to be also giving the same signals back to the female, Chester couldnt stand this interaction, he felt as if maggots were crawling around slowly under his skin more and more with every word she spoke. "Yeah that's me." Parker spoke to the girl, smiling at her with a stupid little grin on his face. The girls face lit up and the two started talking, she would occasionally flash a look to Chester and something weird would show through her eyes, Chester could not tell what it was though, all he knew was that it made him want to curl up in a ball and rip his eyes out. Parker kept putting his hands on the girls hands, Chester just looked in disgust. She left after about 5 minutes straight of straight people flirting. Chester looked up to Parker to see the stupidest grin on his face. It made something weird go off in Chester, How come he never looked that happy with me? Chester tried to pry away the thoughts, and the gross weird off feeling even being around the girl gave him. After not to long the girl comes back with there food and drinks and goes to say something but gets called by another table.

Chester just sat there sipping on his Fruity little cocktail. Parker would try to talk to him but Chester was still feeling funky so he would respond very dryly, and of course Parker wouldn't notice. Once they are both done with there food and drinks the SAME waiter comes back, and with her comes the feeling of dread. Chester felt as if he was going to puke, this lady was not normal, something was off about her. The lady gave us the Check and Parker paid, and continued to flirt with her, she flirted back. Parker Gave her a huge tip. And the worst part is that she wrote her number on the recite. Chester was so ready to go home, his first ever restaurant experience was not good, and Parker seemed happier than ever. Chester walked to the car and sat there as Parker got in the Drivers side. The entire drive Parker just yapped on about the girl, Chester just nodding his head. Once they got home he immediately unhid himself. If he was being fully honest he was so drained, being hidden for that long, and being around what ever unholy presence that that girl was drained him. He went through his Nightly ritual and Passed the fuck out

Hope you enjoy this chapter, there's gonna be some crazy stuff in the next few :0

The chester under your bed (Parkster)Where stories live. Discover now