Unlikely partnership?

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Parker was so upset at Chester. What was he going on about? He was definatly trying to ruin my relationship with the prettiest girl He'd ever met! He must of been jealous. Parker Stormed back into the living room, Em asked him what happened to Chester. Parker Explained that he kicked him out because he had been getting moody. Parker saw a quick flash of extreme joy on her face, but then it quickly went back to normal. Parker didn't question it like the dumb little dumb dumb he was.

Chester was still at a complete loss of what to do. He walked around trying to stick to the shadows, not disguising himself because he wanted to save energy. His wings were drooping and his eyes seemed dimmer with sadness. He pulled out his phone that Parker had gotten him. He scrolled through the contacts, finding Parkers Conspiracy theory friend who was super into the paranormal. Chester had a idea. It was the only chance he had at saving himself and Parker. Chester believed his his name was chad and he had his location in his phone, because for some reason Parker had given him all the information for everyone. Chester was now on a mission. He carefully slinked through the shadows of street corners. He even had to climb up a tree to avoid getting noticed.

It was a relatively hot day, he could feel it on the soles of his feet, the claws on them making a gentle clacking noise against the concrete paths and alleyways. Eventually after walking for about an hour. (he didn't want to fly because he might of gotten caught). He reached a raggedy looking house. It appeared to be lightly decaying with the slight stench of black mold wafting from outside it. He quickly ran up to the door, looking around to make sure no one was looking. He quickly knocked on the door, the feathers on his arms fluffing up a bit in fear, his tail was lowered in another sign of weakness. Chester heard heavy footsteps leading to the door. Well it was too late to turn back now. Suddenly the door opened to the man that Chester had met when he was hanging out with Parkers friends, he was in a sweat stained white shirt and shorts. Once his eyes met Chester's they widened. The man frantically looked around and just pulled Chester inside. Once they were inside the man just looked at Chester amazed. "HAH i knew there was something off about you". Chester rolled his eyes "Not the time, this is important." Chad was reaching to touch one of Chester's wings and it curled up a bit and Chester Glared at the grown man. "This is important, Parker is in trouble." Chad just nodded his head and motioned for me to sit down. "Well ive seen you once, so i barely know you, how do i know your not gonna like try and kill me and eat my soul or something?, you appear to be a mix of mainly a Dream eating demon and maybe some others." Chester looked at Chad "Listen man your just gonna have to trust me, i don't know how to prove myself, all i know is Parker is in trouble, he uh...he kicked me out" Chads eyes widened and he burst out laughing. "Ah ol parker kicked ya out! HAH" Chad couldn't seem to get over that fact and kept laughing, while Chester was not amused.

"He kicked me out because i told him the girl he's getting with is a evil spirit." Chad stopped laughing at that and looked at me. "What do you mean by that?"  Chester let out a long breath of air. "He's dating this girl named Empusa and she gives me this feeling of wrongness whenever im around her, and i was hoping it was just my intuition being funky, but she spoke to me in her demonic form and was saying all these things. She is not good for Parker." Chad looks at me dumbfounded, or perhaps that's just what he always looks like. He scratches his chin. "Well looks like im gonna need to get some of my friends and get some sense in to him." Chad walks off a bit and calls someone named Olivia, he then walks back to me. "Okay, we have back up. she should be here in about 10 minutes. Chester nods his head and waits, eventually a girl shows up a stares at Chester mouth agape for a second but then composes herself. "Jeez Chad you didn't tell me you had a real one just sitting in your house." Chad Chuckles a little and Olivia takes a seat. The three of them talk and make a plan to somehow trap Empusa and Maybe send her back to were she came from, while also making sure Parker didn't get in the way.

Both Chad and Olivia pull a bunch of demon hunting stuff out of the back of the car (supernatural style) They have all the things you could possibly want for this kind of stuff. The main weapon that they were going to be using was goats blood to draw the trapping circle. The three of them got in the car, Chester in the back trying very hard to squeeze in with his wings. They then drove to Parkers house. They were planning to wait until night fall to do anything. They just hoped they wouldn't be too late...

Sorry this chapter took a little longer i was on a family vacation and i just got back, but i hope you guys are enjoying so farr >:))

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