They go to the store :D

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           Parker drags Chester into the car, and starts driving, its not a very long drive so they make it there relatively fast. They both walk into the store and Parker immediately makes his way to the food he wants and Chester slowly follows behind, not really keeping up with him and more just looking for himself. Chester is standing there when all of a sudden a small child starts screaming and crying next to him, he sets down the box of cereal he was looking at  and looks over, the kid is pointing at him and screaming "MONSTER, MOM THERES A MONSTER" Chester was thoroughly confused, and looked down at the small kid, "why would i be a monster?" "YOU JUST ARE" the kid continues sobbing and the mother slowly drags him away and apologizes to Chester, he felt a little hurt and was trying to think of why the child would think that, He was in disguise wasn't he? Chester continued thinking then remembered something. About 30% of little kids can see the paranormal, while others cant. This made much more sense. Chester now knew he was going to have to be careful around small children. He continued looking at different food items, having a mini existential crisis at being noticed but he would be fine. The second Chester had begun to calm down and lady is very revealing clothing for a typical store trip walked up to him. "well hello there mister dark and mysterious~" her words were laced with lustful intent and it scared Chester slightly. "Uhm hi?" Chester was truly panicking in this moment, the first time he had ever actually gone into a store and he had already had way to much interaction. The lady kept bugging him, making Chester severely uncomfortable, what if i slipped and she found out, what it multiple people found out. Chester starts hyperventilating and curls up in a ball on the floor. The lady stops and looks down at him "Jeez i was just trying to get your number sorry..." She pats him on the back and hands him a 5$ and leaves, well at least she was nice about it? 

Parker had finished grabbing all he needed to and made his way back to where Chester was and saw him curled up in a ball hyperventilating, he quickly set all his stuff down and bent down to comfort him. "hey there buddy what's wrong?" Parker gave reassuring words and a hug "t-there's just so much, what if someone finds out?" Parker frowned, he didn't want his newfound friend to panic every time they had to leave the house. "listen no one will find out, and if they do I'm here to help you okay?" Chester let out a small hiccup "R-really?" Parker gave him a reassuring smile "Yes really, now lets check out and go home." Chester nodded his head and wiped his tears away, slowly standing up. They both made there way to the front and Checked out there food and made there way home. Chester Took all the disguise off as soon as he got home and let his wings and tail back out, it wasn't too tiering but still he was a little drained of energy 

They hung out for a few hours and watched tv in the living room, Chester thoroughly enjoyed watching tv he got to enjoy it to its full extent. They watched tv for hours, just talking about the most random crap, Parker and Chester began to realize how much they enjoyed each others company. Parker doesn't think hes laughed that much in awhile, even when he hangs out with his friends. They eventually both fell asleep, Chester fell asleep in a very odd position, his wings hanging off the couch along with his tail. Parker fell asleep a little before Chester allowing him just enough time to get the energy he needed from the dreams, it wasn't quite enough after todays excursion but it would do.

ANOTHER CHAPTER???? Also 666 words :D lol, i have quite a few ideas and im just trying to pace this out properly so- sorry if it sucks lol.

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