Cheer him up pt. 2

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Parkers pov

We arrive at the movie theater, it was a relatively small theater, almost always empty, so i wasn't concerned much. With a smile i turn to look and see if Chester was following me, he was, and he was still disguised, he looked even more tired than before, i frowned, i grabbed his hand and we walked into the movie theater.

There was a bunch of random movies on so we just went to watch inside out 2 because it was the only recognizable one. Once i had introduced Chester to movies he for some reason became obsessed with Disney and Pixar movies, so he had of course watched the first one. We walked up to the front and we got popcorn and Chester got an ice cream. I glance over to him and see him eating it, the way his forked tongue carefully made sure none of the ice cream dripped on to his fingers, the lay it moved and looked was doin something to me, my mind started...wandering. I tried to shake the thoughts from my head and Chester tilted his head at me in confusion, I'm sure if i could see his tails right now it would be lightly swaying the same way it does every time he's confused, which is a lot. My face was flushed and i looked away, not wanting him to question me.

We walked into the theater, there was not a single other person there and the movie was about to start, which means we will most likely be alone. This is a good thing, as i can tell Chester is getting sick of having to hide himself fully, it will be dark so the cameras wont be able to pick up like anything, and whos gonna look at them and actually come down and question? Once the movie started i told Chester he could undisguise himself for a little and he looked very very relieved, also very tired, and maybe hungry? I don't know its hard to tell with him. His eyes glowed a yellow color because it was dark in the room, he sat there and munched on his ice cream while i ate popcorn, he said he likes popcorn but it gets stuck in his teeth more than the average person because the way his teeth are, it seemed understandable enough so i nodded my head.

I kept sneaking glances at him, the way he ate his ice cream it made me feel ways i shouldn't be for a man, let alone Chester. I don't like him though, I'm probably just desperately horny and lonely, the last person i hooked up with ended up being some girl just trying to steal my soul, damn. I looked over at him and his eyes looked mesmerized, it was hard to tell but i could maybe see the faint sight of his eyebags, which were just getting worse and worse. I frowned at the thought, they were worse than mine.

Chester eventually gave up on caring if the popcorn bits got stuck in his teeth and eventually started eating the popcorn with me, we soon ran out, but the movie was about over so it was fine. I was thinking back to the mall and remembered what Chester had gotten and my face flushed again, bro i need to do somethin about that. I suppose it makes sense he's the way he is, there's no way i would find a man as attractive as i do him unless they're part some demon that is meant to get lustful reactions out of others, i will try not to think of him differently though. He's still just my best friend, the guy i found living under my bed one day and now i get along with. What a strange thought.

I just sat there as the movie concluded thinking about life, about streaming, about relationships, and about the future. The end credits came up and Chester re disguised himself. We walked out of the movie theater and i looked over at him, he looked happier, but still tired, i would make sure to try and let him sleep, i don't know why he hasn't been? but wait, he has? Ive seen him sleeping during the day, which means he probably isn't getting much sleep at night, but he still wouldn't be this tired right? it hasn't been short naps either. We both got in the car and i started driving home, we made it home and it was pretty late but not super late. Chester's wings drooped along with his tail. I was concerned he didn't enjoy himself.

"Hey Chester, did you have fun?" I asked, hoping he would say yes, he turned his head to my, his eyes glowing blue in the light. "Yeah i did, thank you for taking me with you Parker." He seemed genuine so i didn't ask much more of him, Apollo greeted him happily and they walked into the living room, I could hear the light clicking from both Apollo's nails, And Chester's on his feet. Man i wonder what's up with him?

Chester's Pov

Im so fucking hungry, so hungry, i don't think ive ever been this hungry before, all this going out is draining me, ive been taking more good dreams but nothing is enough to satiate it. Its an ever-growing hunger. I walk into the bath room and clutch the sink, i couldnt tell if i needed to throw up or not. I look up into the mirror, instead of seeing my typical 2 baby blue eyes under my sunglasses i saw four. I panicked a bit, looking around. I'm so Hungry. But then i remembered that sometimes in periods of extreme hunger, your more demonic form comes out, huh ive never actually seen it before, i don't believe this is too its full extent. I'm so Hungry. I cant go out there again until i can go back to normal. I wonder why all this is draining me so much? I'm so Hungry. Oh wait, i think im to the age now where demons start requiring more food, these dreams aren't satiating me, i need something more...Fleshy.

Hey guys sorry for not uploading for a little, i was on a long coast trip with my girlfriend, which was fun, and then i finally made it back home, was thinking of writing, but instead had to evacuate my house Yesterday because there was an arson caused fire basically across the street lol. But anyways hope you guys enjoy, im kind of just improvising the story at this point 😭

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