Hanging out with friends?

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              For the next couple days they have a ritual going on, they went too the store about twice in-between then and Chester was getting way better at being out in public. Parker streamed a few times and Chester just watched, They got to know each other pretty well within this few days, Parker considered Chester a good friend. So Parker had a brilliant idea, why doesn't he have Chester meet and hangout with his friends? He would probably get along with them and its a good way for him to practice interacting with people. Parker decided to propose the idea to Chester as soon as he was done eating breakfast. Once Parker finished his pancakes he asked Chester. "Sooo Chester what would you think about hanging out with me and my friends for lunch later??" Chester looked at parker inquisitively "why exactly?" Parker just looked at him and narrowed his eyes "Because i think you guys could get along well and you need some social interaction that isn't me." Chester let out a sigh, he supposed it couldn't be too bad could it? "ugh fine." Parker practically jumped with joy and started preparing things and told his friend he was bringing someone for them to meet and they all sounded excited. Parker handed Chester all the things he needed for his disguise and Chester walked into the bathroom and put everything on, hiding his wings and tail, the energy drain was starting to add up, Chester wasn't consuming enough to keep up with it, but he refused to take Parkers sweet succulent delicious good dreams. Once Chester was fully ready him and Parker hung out for a bit and talked before they met up at the park with his friends, Once it was finally time for them to hangout they all showed up and looked at Chester strangely, Once they all showed up Parker decided it would be a good time to introduce them all to Chester.

"Hello everyone, i would like to introduce you all to Chester! I met him not too long ago and i think you guys can get along pretty well, he's also my new roommate." Everyone was eyeing down Chester, he felt small but tried to keep his composure. They all started asking questions the first was how did you guys meet and Parker told them that they met through family friends, which was a lie of course, but they didn't need to know that did they? One of Parkers friends was eyeing Chester down. "What's with the sunglasses?" Chester looked at him nervously "my eyes are sensitive to the light" The Friend nodded his head up and down Skeptically, this was the same one with a crazy belief in the paranormal. "hmm nice tongue split, and your teeth are very nice." Chester subconsciously licked his teeth and shut his mouth "y-yeah thanks." Parker glared at his friend and i think the friend got the point and layed off of him. Other than that they all really seemed to like Chester they were all getting along very well and making jokes and laughing. Parker watched and smiled, the friend group needed a new person after all. They ll bid each other farewells soon enough and Chester looked ecstatic, Parker looked at Chester and smiled. He was glad he found such a nice man under his bed.  They drove home and it was already dinner time, Damn they spent a lot of time out. Chester got out of his disguise and put his crop top back on. Chester and parker decided to watch some tv and talk about the time they had together with friends. They sat on the couch, Chester's tail swaying back and fourth happily, his wings gave small flutters of happiness every so often. Parker took notice and thought to himself that it was adorable, he loved seeing that Chester was happy, it made him happy that he could bring some joy to this most likely immortal being. Parker decided to play some Minecraft and showed Chester how to play and they played some Minecraft together, The way Chester's eyes glowed even brighter when they played together made Parkers stomach fill with butterflies, Parker didn't notice though, because why would he he's just hanging out with a good friend after all.

Parker eventually fell asleep and Chester looked at him with a sigh, his stomach growled and he felt slightly weak, his wings were slightly drooped. He couldn't keep doing this and not taking some good dreams, he hated to admit this fact. Chester walked over to Parker and ate all the bad dreams soon to come, he slipped one small good dream in there, it was hardly a good dream but still enough to make him feel guilty. It was slightly sweeter than the others, and it gave him a lot more energy, he felt satisfied, he didn't take that much and it gave him a good amount of energy, still not enough, but a good amount nonetheless. Chester than slid into alongside Parker and fell asleep.

3 IN ONE DAY WHAT- ive had a random burst of motivation so i decided to write, the ideas are flowing >:)

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