Horror movies in the snow

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Parkers Pov

Stuff was slowly going back to normal between me and Chester, there was still a few awkward moments between them, but other than that it was normal. Some times i would catch him glancing at me, but his stare almost seemed empty. I don't exactly know what's up there. Chester had been playing with Apollo a lot. He's actually taking surprisingly good care of him. I also made sure that Chester's wounds didn't get infected, they were all mostly healed now so Chester refused to wear Band-Aids anymore and i was not about to fight him on that, because he would probably win.

I began walking to the park everyday with Chester because i think we were both tired of being pent up. We would take Apollo with us too, it was actually quite nice, although it had turned winter and it was kind of cold. Today was one of those days and we walked to the park and stayed for about 2 hours before it was turning sunset and Chester was shivering, apparently hellborn creatures don't do as well in the cold. I let out a sigh as i told him we could head home, he seemed a little bummed but still had a smile on his face. He was walking Apollo on the leash back home and that seemed enough to cheer him back up fully. Once we made it back to the house it was about dark and Chester's eyes slowly changed to the glowing yellow color. As soon as we walked into the doors Chester looked a little more refreshed, it was a little warmer in the house than outside but not much.

Chester let his wings and tail free and was starting to walk up the stairs, and i called out to him. "Wait Chester-" He turned to look at me and looked confused he tilted his head a little. his hair slightly falling over his horns. "We should uhm, totally stay up and watch horror movies." This was my desperate attempt at trying to bond with Chester a little more, he's been a little distant and i really miss how it used to be. "Sure dude." Chester looked excited to watch movies and jumped on the couch, Apollo jumping up next to him. I'm glad that Chester had a buddy, they were practically inseparable from each other. I made a thing of popcorn and grabbed me and Chester a soda. I then turn the lights off and sit on the couch close to Chester, he turns to me and then turns back to the tv. I turn on a playlist of horror movies that Netflix had compiled together.

"Ive never watched a horror movie before." I turned to him "Well i guess this will be your first then." Chester nodded his head, he wrapped his wings around him to try and keep himself warm. Chester then spoke again. "Im sure none of it will be as scary as an average day in hell." Chester than snickered and looked back at the tv. The movie was about to start and i handed Chester his soda and set the the bowl of popcorn between the two of us. He thanked me and we both started paying attention to the film. It went like any scary film and the main scary part happened and i looked over to Chester with a wide smile on his face. Well i suppose that makes sense for a demon. Chester's tail swayed from side to side and his top pair of wings were all fluffed up. I look outside the window and see it start to snow. Hmm.

About 3 movies in and Chester looked like he about to fall asleep, Apollo was passed out on Chester's leg. All of a sudden the Tv blacks out and the sound of the heater turns off, Chester jumped up from his slumber and i just let out a groan. "What happened?" The demon spoke. "The power is out from the snow storm." Chester then looked out the window and saw the thick amounts of snow covering the ground. "uh oh" "yeah uh oh is right Chester." I could already feel the house getting colder and Chester was already shivering. Chester then sat down and curled up on the floor trying to warm himself up a little. I looked around for a second and walked off. I have a fire place in the main living room area i grab a lighter and some wood and start the fire place up, it would most likely only warm this spot up because the house was pretty large. I walked back to where Chester and Apollo were laying. Chester looked out of it and cold, it hadn't even gotten that cold since he had left, it was probably about 60, but the temperature was going to drop more.

I sigh and grab Chester's hand, he turned to look at me and i pull him up, the feeling of his scaly hand against mine was a little weird. I then start dragging him to the fire place and Apollo follows, i throw a few blankets down with some pillows, close enough to the fire place to feel the warmth. I sat Chester down and laid down to, it was about 2am. Chester curled up and wrapped his wings around himself. Apollo laid on the side of Chester away from me. I was on the other side of Chester, i close my eyes and i realize just how tired i am. I can hear the snow falling outside and feel the heat from the fireplace, along with the soft breaths of Chester. It was all the right formula to pass out. As i was about to pass out i feel the Chester cuddle up to me i just look down at him, his horns gently placed to were they don't stab me. Chester mumbled something sleepily about him being cold, I felt him wrap his wings around my gently, and his tail gently wrapped around my thigh. Woah. This was an odd experience.

I look down at Chester and hear him lightly snoring, damn this man is out fast. I close my eyes and feel sleep slowly take me. I go to sleep and have my first night mare in over 6 months...

Hopefully you guys like this chapter  

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